    what is predicate adjective

    0  Views: 486 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Most general descriptive adjectives, as well as adjectives indicating color, can be used as predicate adjectives. In the following examples, the predicate adjectives are colors or sizes.
    The bag is red.
    The big bear is brown.
    The brown bear was big.
    The horse is black.
    The streets are long and narrow.
    It is large, heavy and awkward.
    The answer is puzzling.
    These envelopes are small.
    The bucket was heavy.
    The weather will be cool and dry.
    That child is young.
    The cake is round.
    The leaves are red, yellow and orange.
    The package is small and light.
    The weather is clear, cold and dry.
    The footstool is round and black.
    The clothes were clean and dry.
    The dancers were tall, slender and graceful.
    The children are asleep.
    Our friends are here.
    Their assistant is afraid.
    Her brother is alone.
    The performers are ready.
    The bird is alive.


    Romos is a wanker.

     A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows an intransitive linking verb and describes the subject. 

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