    Just for fun......

    This was a third grade question, are you smarter than a third grader?

    I went to the market and spent half of what I had then spent $10 more, then I went to the hardware and spent half of what I had and $10 more and was broke.

    How much did I have to start with?

    I know most of you will answer this, but if you can put down how long it took you to come up with the answer and no cheating please.....


    +5  Views: 2678 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: math games fun

    Your little riddle person has gone Randy.
    I know the answer to this, so I,ll leave the "challenge" up to the rest.
    Headless Man

    I like these too, maybe I'll take his place, I have some good ones.
    You need to put down how long it took you to get the answer, ok.

    3 Answers

    Sense this is just for fun I will ask another question here. That first one was too easy.....

    How is this right, it is you just need to tell me how. (you need to think outside the box)


    60 Views and no answers, So I guess no one has a clue as to how 8+8=91 can be right, look at it out side the box and turn the laptop over or look at it upside down and you get 16=8+8 now that you see what out of the box means I'll give you another one.

    = ll -- X =

    You were impatient, Randy!!!  
    I came up with $60 also, without looking at what (D)umbriel wrote, by working backwards.  Spending $10 when you had already spent half of what you had means you had $20. You spent $10 before you had the $20, which means you had $30 after you spent half of what you had.  

    I like the 8+8 question, and I'll guess on the = ll --X = and say the answer is Xll. (I'm using Roman numerals, so ll is 2, and - - X is +10. 10 + 2 = 12, in Roman numerals:  Xll.  Not sure why the = is at the front of your equation, though

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