    Does music help you deal with life more easliy or affect you in any particular way on a daily basis? Does music truly calm the savage beast?? ?

    +5  Views: 811 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Oh, yes, michmar118.  Just got back from karaoke night. I don't sing in front of the mike, but it was such fun watching and listening to the singers.  I sang right along with the songs I knew and it was just a huge room with people appreciating each other and music.  Two friends DID sing, guys who have been involved in music for over 30 years. It is part of their lives and so obvious their joy. Music is on in my car NONSTOP. It is on at work before the lights and open sign are on.  I play the piano and hyperventilate trying to play the harmonica :D
    Music doesn't make my problems less pesky, or anything wrong suddenly right. But it is a great mood elevator, and truly does soothe my savage-ness.    
    Shootah is is like frosting....and I love the frosting!   



    I can't imagine life without music,  I think it is a gift from heaven for us.


    Yes, I agree. It helps us to cope here on earth....

    If today was a cake, music would be its frosting.


    Great analogy, Shootah! Music, in nearly any venue, is one of the joys of life, I think.

    It elevates my mood instantly and makes me more creative.I love music.

    It depends on what's happening around me, I love music while I'm driving and at home when I'm working around the house, but I detest it at work, probably because it's always the same tired old songs


    Can see that.....Do you find it distracting at work? Does it just seem like more noise in your life?/ Too bad, if so. Good Music is so much more lofty than than be be played on "Muzak".....We can always put in and play what inspires us in our cars or at home for ultimate enjoyment!

    I have been told that good music comes from all the souls that God has made.


    Sounds good to me!!!!.....

    Who made the ones that do the heavy metal and similar stuff today. Not to be mistaken for music,

    Good music comes from the souls of everyone and bad music was made in the garage. lol

    I am a large music fan... We sing in this house all day long.  My son just loves to sing.  He really rocks out to the the Rolling Stones. It is very cute.

    I am not sure if it soothes the savage beast in this house but it certainly keeps us going.


    Sounds like you have a fun and happy household!! That's great---

    Ok I just think It's awesome your son likes the Stones!!!

    It is funny... he just loves them.
    I, however am a Who fan!!
    I must say because he loves the Stones soooo much I am enjoying them far more than I did before.
    This will be sad news for my Mother who danced in the Cavern Club and didn't like the Stones because Mick didn't wear underwear!

    LOL- Mom's are like that! I love the Who! & like you, am enjoying the Stones more now then when they first started out.

    The disco thing the Stones touched upon bothered me to no end... I am now, finally choosing to let it go.

    A born singer my nickname was La-La as these were my first "words"!!La-la-la-tee-da!!


    La-La, wish we could hear you sing!

    when I'm restless in bed, music really calms me down. And it calms down my cats when they are meowing and I don't know what they want. It calmed down my cousin's twin babies when they were here ---when they were one yr. old and crying at bedtime.


    Some proof that music does calm...........Thank you, Mycatsmom.

    I always wished that my life had music like a film- running in the background.  Show up for work- theme song from Jaws (UT-OH gonna be a rough day "should I leave now???)...Show up at a Party and before I get there the music will tell me who will be there and what it will be like).  Take a walk in the woods and chaotic music mixed with the theme song from 'Criminal Minds" time to beat-feet it out of there quick.  Walking through life with Musicals, Classical, Rock, Rap, Jazz, TV music...It would be neat- and you might be able to avoid some BAD situations and ENJOY some places and people that you might not otherwise go or meet.    As for calming the beast...maybe.  My auditory senses are keen- I can't fall asleep to any kind of sound except the sound of breathing or purring.  Purring will put me to sleep.


    Kind of an early warning system in life? Hahaha...that's cute, and an interesting way of thinking!

    Music is a wonderfull, powerful art. It does influence one's mood and life in either way - good or bad. I love music and its sounds... 


    valR, yes it is wonderful and very powerful. I think it does have the power to soothe the savage beast! :->


    music makes me feel better. Very good artistic expresssion of life.


    fjoel, you're right,...well said!

    thank you michmar118.

    Music is the Third love of my "Life .First two my "Wife and my "Son.I sing all the time at home doing house work .Love singing at party's with love ones .Music is to me the "Essence of life.It brings happiness to many people ,takes all the unhappiness away for a while.   


    That's beautiful that music brings happiness to you and your family on a daily basis. I dont sing much but loving listening many different kinds of music. As you say it's a kind of "escapism" in life. :-)

    Yes michmar118. Music gives you peace of mind .

    It depends-- I am a professional musician, sometimes learning a piece can be nerve wrecking -  Performing can also be nerve wrecking as it is a job like any other job with pressures.  However, sometimes I like to play for myself then it has its soothing elements.  There was a study a few years ago- The Mozart Babies' where pregnant women were instructed to listen to classical music every day during their pregnancy to confirm any effect on the child's learning abilities after birth. It was surmised that children brought into the world listening to classical music would learn faster.. Several years had passed before this was proven not to be true..       



    I have an admiration for musicians. I'm not gifted that way. Had heard about that study...but never heard the far end result. Interesting!

    Music is a seed, it is planted at birth, some people cultivate this seed, some do not. The excuse is always 'I am not gifted'-- Yes, there are some people that have a 'gift' and can learn music without lessons or even much work, but I do believe anyone can learn, its just not everyone wants to but most everyone says they do.. :) I guess I am one of the 'gifted' as I have the ability to reproduce what I hear but even that can be a PITA...

    Sweet!!!Which instrument(s) do you play/sing and what's the name of your band/duo/trio/orchestra?I love that the Art has not disappeared where you are!Up in Canada,the festival circuit is the way to go so writing is a must!Peace to a "brother in arms"!!!

    Vinny... my husband is a wonderful man who plays guitar ... I never have a clue what he is playing. This has been going on for years. I don't know what to tell him.

    Why don't you tell him that you love him AND his guitar playing! music doesn't need to be identified, only enjoyed!

    I would be an empty soul-less shell of a being without lifts me from dark helps me create...the love of it is heals the sourest moment or person...even just tripping around a garden whistling is freedom of expression!!Without music?...I swear I wouldn't have come to this planet!!!

    yeah i think u have a point ,but it may vary with the type of music

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