The return address when you attempted to look it up, did not exist. You are now stuck with this box containing exactly a million dollars, and you don't know where it came from, or why someone sent it to you.
22 Answers
Call a trusted friend and my lawyer. Probably both would be willing to come with me to the police station where we would all count it out together, get a receipt, and then go home and wait. Let the investigation begin! Hopefully, the phone call would go like this..."Hello Ducky? This is "Sergeant Check-It-Out" calling. The found money is yours. Come and get it"!!!!!
Then the decisions would be made.....some people would be doing this..... :) :) :)
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I would wait and see if someone is missing this money. If not, i would keep it.
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Say thankyou, sign, (not properly) wave the guy goodbye, piss myself, (not laughing) wonder where I,m going to launder the money? Piss myself again, (not laughing)
Launder money through gangsta,(piss myself again) not laughing!
End up pissing it all against the wall.
Not laughing!
Dying? Yep!
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Could you give me "Ten years to think about It. ( very slow thinker my wife will back me up. )
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |