    What would you do if the ground occasionally shook and you could hear what sounded like underground explosions over a three day period? Would you leave the area or stick around?

    I am asking this question in regards to what someone else mentioned, but didn't ask this question. I looked it up, and that is supposedly what happened in Clintonville, Wisconsin a few days ago. Interested in what people will say.

    +4  Views: 572 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I'd be damn scared.

    I would pack the truck.  The husband, son, two boogley eyed dogs and one aloof cat and myself would be on the highway to visit my Mom.  She could use the company.  

    I would take the animals and head south to stay with my son.

    I wouldn't have time to read this question.  I'd be gone, baby.  Screw the house.

    See you later at the neighborhood meeting later in the quarter, assuming the board of directors is still alive.

    No area is immune to earthquakes, NONE...  I'd stick around home.....

    I be out of their quicker than dog at a meat factory looking for scraps.. sorry no reason for this hound to stick around.

    My answer to these event if they occur, don't worry till then, mean wild enjoy for there little time left,and worrying about it wont help anything.

    Think I'd be out of there real quick

    Here in California, on the ring of fire, earthquakes are quite common. When we don’t have earthquakes it is time to tie your TV to the wall and secure everything in place because a big one is building up.

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