
    Muslims Destroy Graves of WW2 Heroes.....

    +7  Views: 1067 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    If I could answer "why", it would provide an excuse or reason.  There is none.


    EVIL comes to "Mind Bob
    ed shank

    Let's bury every Muslim from now on in this country in a pigskin blanket. At least a bag of bacon bits. Scum bags.

    Maybe this?>>>

    Headless Man

    He will be tried for what he done, where was the outrage and trials for all the innocent people of 911 or all the innocent people killed with terrorist bombing.

    I,m not condoning it, merely giving a possible reason, which after all was your question Randy.

    I agree ROMOS. Tit for Tat is how they see it. At least they only destroyed graves and not lives.


    There was plenty of outrage when 911 happened. Bush took us into war with the wrong country. They have a right to be outraged at us.
    ed shank

    Colleen, your wrong. They came after us, not the other way around. Where would your head be if your mother was killed in the towers?

    Please see Diggers reply to you Ed. You are a victim of propaganda.

    Pure "EVIL .Simple as that .They have very short memories.

    Jelous of a life that full of freedom as well as freedom of religion and disrespect for all that represents liberty,truth and justice..

    war affects people in many ways.

    ed shank

    Not just war, watch a 17 year old die in a gunfight, it changes your life forever.

    I trust your opinion,ed shank

    HL. Read about our history in the middle east. We created all those terrorists that want to do our country harm. Our soldiers schould not die in a war, that we are fighting for other countries.


    Other countries??

    I meant fighting for onother country.

    My Dad was in north Africa from 1942 to 1945 and had nothing good to say about those "A-rabs" as he would call them,,,, when he found out we were getting oil from them in the early 70"s I thought he was going to have a fit... quote " you can't trust them sum bitches"


    Respectfully, just what would your dad think of them if the roles were reversed with them sum bitches moving in to "protect and defend" America on her soil ? "Foreign-invading-Sum Bitches ?"

    He wasn't there to protect American soil.... He was taken away from a small farm in America to go over to fight for something most of them new nothing about... YOU tell me why he had to go and fight against Hitler???? And I guess you won't comment on this either...

    digger I don't know how old you are but maybe you were there to see them going up and stripping the dead American AND German soldiers of everything on there body leaving them naked.. Even the dog tags....

    @JDB. No,he wasn't there to protect American soil.Like I said, if the roles were reversed, he'd be there protecting Africa.
    Why he had to go and fight Hitler? The same reason all Allied soldiers did.If wars can be justified,WW2 would be one of them but that's an entire other debate.
    We know how welcomed the Allied forces were greeted in Europe.That's because it was their war and it was their sovereign nations that were invaded by Germany.North Africa wasn't a sovereign nation region,it was already colonized by foreigners and was then invaded by other foreigners because of a conflict in Europe.It's not difficult to understand why they didn't receive the same welcome.

    @JDB. I'm north of 50 and no, I wasn't there to witness the atrocities. I'm not denying the accuracy of your dad's experience. I'm simply responding to your comment that would describe all Arabs as savage animals as being void of context.

    ed shank Colleen, your wrong. They came after us, not the other way around. Where would your head be if your mother was killed in the towers?


     No, Ed, YOU'RE wrong. "They" that you refer to were mostly,if not all, Saudi citizens. They were NOT Iraqis.
    I trust you won't comeback with a "They're all the same" reply. That would be like saying that Americans and French "are the same"
    Face it, Bush couldn't avenge the attack on his government's friendly "ally" Saudi Arabia, so he chose Irak instead.
    That was an international-law crime that merited universal condemnation.It never happened.


    Thanks Digger. Some people are too stuck on the propaganda to realize the truth.

    When a community or person or persons is tied to something collectively  it gives those wishing to do harm a weapon . The answer to WHY is simply that it works . Its despicable behaviour no doubt . People attack others in places of vulnerability .  Sad 


    Still pushing 'eh? You're not good at veiled comments. Not at all. You lied to everyone about me. Deal with your own lies. You know best how to do it. Vulnerability.....HA! You are far from vulnerable, you are an abuser and I do not believe for one second you never touched your ex. I had an abusive father, you sound just like him. Volatile, evil and filled with rage with no way to control it...that is the mixture it takes to create a physically abusive person. Oh yeah and he was adept at playing to "oh poor me card" too after every rage and quite hearse in the "please forgive me, I was wrong" bit when trying to show what a good guy he really was. This would only last until his next round of rage and hate filled outburst with fists a flying.

    Dont let him get to to you Colleen .Sorry about your abusive child should go through that.
    Headless Man

    Talk about stirring things........

    Randy...have you ever seen an abuser in action? Ever listened to one talk? No? Then read up on it. (It's right on this forum all over the place.) Colleen is right. Pray that none of your loved ones are ever involved in any domestic violence and you are never forced to learn about it, in that manner. BTW...after they attack, they turn on the charm and THEY forgive THE ONE THAT THEY ATTACKED!!! ("I didn't mean it...I hope it's over for you now." Let's just let it go, okay?) Isn't that interesting? Read Randy. Read.

    Swat tactics ,Sun Su Art Of War, US military Psych War Fare all say this works . Tactics plain and simple

    Talk about being blind. You're a good one for that oh headless one.
    Headless Man

    Colleen, you have no idea who I am, however you keep trying to provoke me with your words.

    With all the money our governments throw around the world, asking our young to die for them...they should have at least brought our war dead home. Bringing home a corpse isn't the same as bringing home someone's father, brother, or son alive...but, it's the least a government could do for the surviving family.

    Those graves should not have been left in a country that would despise their presence, only to be desecrated. Those soldiers gave their all, for what our countries told them they had to do...we failed them by not bringing them home to an honored place of final rest.

    In regards to the desecration of those graves, it saddens my heart, it really does! But, I will refrain from hateful rhetoric that accomplishes nothing...for in my heart I know what I'd like to do, and it is perhaps best kept there.

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