Otherwise it would have been gone by now? CIA? DHS? Mossad? All of them? Obvious? NWO stooge as moderator? Should I be careful speaking out against a govt. that trying to kill me? FDA EPA CIA FBI Congress Senate USDA USAF DHS TSA NSA not to mention yhe shadow govt behind them southern poverty law center queen e and b rockefellers rothschilds kissinger bush brzezinski cfr world bank bilderberg club of rome netinyahoo ultra black ops wasps area 51 haarp pope on a little boy ...theres a buch but you get the drift?

Just about all the members on this forum cares what she says. She's well liked and respected, you are just a waste case having sniffed too much toxic fumes probably coming out of your butt. Go away and yes, she did make you change your picture, sicko.
My brain is not effected by anything that you think it is effected by. You should really get to know someone before you start calling them names.
Go back to your Coast to Coast radio programs ... talk to your shadow people and leave the real live human beings alone.
7 Answers
Oh my yes. You should be very careful!! The guberment (as you spell it) or the govt. (also as you spell it) is definitely coming to get you....along with some others on this site.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
We are doomed!

YES we gubber up all the spelling mistakes and send the great spellchecker to get you.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Dude, you are really paranoid.......but Big Brother Is Watching! I know, because after a day and 1/2 of watching me they got so dang bored they were looking for someone far more interesting.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Facinating question. Now who really truly knows what anybody else is doing and/or monitoring? Wonder what Colleen thinks about this question. & other moderators.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
... And he is gathering... not me. He calls me an idiot.

Fascinating... you should go and have a look what he has to say.