    Did you know there have been two nights of mysterious rattling booms in Clintonville, Wisconsin? Perhaps the aliens are boring through the earth!

    +5  Views: 1141 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    They are already here,I know alot of them live around my area.


    for real sunnyB???

    oh yes I have one living next door.

    They are creating tunnels so that we can escape the Fema Trains.


    I'm getting packed!

    There are quite a few in my area already.  Wisconsin is propably next.

    Nay, Mexico is too far from Wisconsin for that to happen. Ask the treehuggers they will say it because of global warming.


    I'll bet they would. The earth as been caring for itself for more than 4 billion years. Are they so arrogant to think they can do it. Man has been here for such a short time.

    Well you will not get any help from the governments with your fight. They have taxed everything that they see as bad so high that they think it is time to tax the air you breath out as bad.

    Are they fracking in your area?


    I'm not living in that area. I found it on

    That could be it.I was just reading about fraking in certain parts of Michigan where they found oil. I wish they wouldn't always find oil in nice areas. Let them find it way the hell out in timbuk too.The strip mining is terrible too.

    Mcm, blame the Creator, He put the minerals there when He created the Earth about 6,000 years ago.

    By some of questions we get here, I am sure the Aliens, some times log into Q&A.


    Yes we mean they do.Oops!

    I believe no aliens exist in all this universe if they exist one alien might have appeared in Earth and if aliens are there they would have killed us all.


    Are you so arrogant?

    I have talked with a few people that have actually seen aliens and spacecraft. I believe that if they every decide to truly interact with earthlings on a real level, we would not stand a chance. In all of history that we know, the stronger always takes over the weaker. Let's hope the aliens if there or not, stay busy and uninterested in us humble little humans.

    I have an Alien as a house guest. His name is Carl.

    Ok!! then send me his picture.

    "NA.Only Willcoe just blow himself up .Good news one less. not many to go. 


    That's not nice, dowsa.

    One mans' noise is another mans' music!!!

    Sorry mycatsmom.He would glad to do that to us all .insults our dead soldiers

    Thanks eggplant.  That is very interesting.  I did not hear anything about it, but I am going to do some internet research on it.  I hope they say in the earth not on it, if its them..

    The area is geologically stable, earthquakes are very rare. I looked for fault line maps in the Clintonville Wi region but so far the USGS has not given up the goods for the area later than 1996. Considering the local description of the the noise and shake, it could be sonic booms from aircraft. I have noticed an increasing frequence of sonic booms here in California as a result of small high speed planes that are breaking the sound barrier at high altitudes. When the sound barrier is broken at 35000 feet SB noise is diminisged and barely audible. But the pressure wave at ground level is noteable with sensitive equipment. I first noticed this by observing how my chickens behaved when a sonic shock wave passed through the area. Frogs and bees are also sensitive.  The FAA has regulated aircraft speed and altitude regarding shock wave development since Mach 1 was commonly broken in the 1950s and it was found to be detrimental to livestock.   


    robert, That's what I said. See my entry . GMTA

    I saw this on the national news tonight. No one has any explanations as to the cause!

    They just got new "thunder" drums in Heaven...the teen-angels have been playing with them at night- apparently they played them very loudly while floating above Wisconsin.  :)

    Hey Eggy! have you consider maybe their digging tunnel so they wont haft to pay tax.

    Sorry EGGY but perhaps their are boring through you brain as well..


    At least I'm not boring!

    never thought you were nope not even for a minute...

    All the aliens are here on akaQA.   Seriously, I think the booms are air force planes breaking the sound barrier. We used to hear that in N.Michigan in the 60s. b/c my aunt's house wasn't too far from an air force base. They fiinally stopped doing it b/c it broke a lot of windows. My aunt's big porch windows rattled terribly when it happened, but the were well made, so they didn't break. The airforce had to reimburse some people for broken windows, b/c of all the complaining.

    When my bro and his wife get back to Wis from their trip, I'll ask them what they hear is going on there. They live about 20 miles east of Steven's Point. They used to live near Stevens Pt, but moved 12 years ago to have a house on a lake. I'll ask my late mother's  cousins too---who live in Wis. One of them has been communicating with me lately


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