    After a divorce are relationships

    After divorce, are relationships afterward really happy?

    +1  Views: 584 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Maybe not in all cases, but in my parents case yes, the last ten years of their lives the were the best of friends..

    My new relationship is now five years old and it is wonderful.  I met my soul mate the second time around.  A very big difference indeed.

    Good Luck to you Toby1

    My advice here is unnecessary,however here's a link to help answer that quest>>>

    Relationships with your X??? Your kids??? or New Romantic relationships?

    Maybe your next relationship brings what you were craving in your first! That would be pretty good!

    Your next relationship may be a REALLY happy one!!...Don`t rush into anything..IMHO!!...BUT YOU HAVE EVERY CHANCE OF HAPPINESS !!:-))

    very good luck

    Millie xx

    I guess it's like riding a bike.  When you fall off, you either get back on or you don't.  You don't forget HOW, you just make a decision whether or not to ride again.  Some people just scrape an elbow or knee a little....others end up bruised, broken, and cut deeply.  Gotta always look where you are going.

    New relationships...

    with your ex, maybe, other relationships, certainly everything, is an experience to learn from, we make mistakes but hopefully not the same ones over and over

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