    Hi guys, i answered a question, what do you have for breakfast?

    i accidentally answered with a Vegemite photo from my files which was a bikini clad female with vegemite spread on her , it was 404 because some one found it offensive, what i like to know what is the differance betwween a bikini girl and a guy wearing bathers which i have seen posted before?

    +8  Views: 969 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    ATTENTION, Colleen was Not the Moderator who censored the Answer, as i feel she sometimes takes the Flack for 404"s.

    Nor was it me, admin roam this site regularly, so i am guessing it was the admin that 404ed it.

    Nor was it. PYTH.

    16 Answers

    I don't think it was the bikini.I think it was the Vegemite. The Yanks are pretty touchy about that kind of thing,tou know? LOL


    The Vegemite got a 404, that could be true. LOL .

    I don't think there is any difference regarding a picture of a woman wearing a bikini or a man in swimming trunks. If either apparel is suitable for a public beach, I don't see what the big deal is. If no nudity is depicted in a photo, regardless of whether a person was covered with peanut butter or fig leafs...I really can't understand someone censoring something of that nature. These types of photos have been on the cover of magazines, often times done so artfully, that you wouldn't notice that the model wasn't wearing a regular bathing suit.


    Oh, i forgot to say ,the 404 was given as it may be offensive to children, i always give answers as as i would to Adults. I think it depends on the individuals as they see it.

    DOES that mean all children should not be taken to beach areas untill they a certain age??

    I suspect it has somewhat to do with the viewer and perhaps photo content?Now again the difference between viewing either sex in bathing attire is,well,again in the eye of the beholder...and the added artistry of food being spread over the canvas of it art or is it pornography? Another age-old quest!!!There seem to be alot of them in this forum..Peace.


    Lindilou, i guess it depends on the person having a dirty mind.

    Porridge is good also bulletman - just love vegemite here we have marmite too, said you love it or you hate it who cares how you have it.


    I agree , Dopey.

    Just so you all know, since I get blamed for all the 404's here, I never saw this post he speaks of nor the photo. We have other moderators and there are the admins. 


    Colleen i don't blame you either way the photo i posted could have been Risqué, i posted the wrong one and i did not know how to delete it, this is true, but i was a little taken back with the 404 which i percieve as as Double standard. i do apologise to any one who saw it as offensive. i received an e-mail, it was from another moderator.

    My initial thought centers around eating.  Use your imagination.  404. 


    SHE could have forgotten the suntan oil and had to improvise.

    Ms. BOB it is all about eating Vegemite on Crumpet(s) lol. Another 404.

    I didn't see it and I didn't complain... I am not even quite sure what the issue is or was, except that vegemite looks better on a crumpet. 

     Maybe that was the issue.  This complainer-person was a vegemite activist!!!!!

    Long live the Vegemite!

    Long live the Crumpet!


    Fishlet, that may be the problem as the Vegemite was spread on a crumpet, A BIKINI CLAD FEMALE, it is on the net as part of Kraft's advertising for Vegemite.

    Kraft definitely puts out different advertisements in your part of the world. Kraft peanut butter ads have cute little teddy bears but then peanut butter ads are aimed at children.

    What color is vegemite? skin color?

    Ok so  whats vegemite???


    A delicious beef extract yummy Australian spread, loved by all true blue Aussies, tolerated by some others and detested by most that are not strong enough to appreciate a good thing.
    Company Kraft make it and now owned by USA interests. Bugger.

    So is it like American Peanut butter?

    Sorry PL to contradict you, Vegemite is made from concentrated 'Yeast' extract, the waste of beer making, that what's makes the differance of Marmite which is Beef extract, this why Vegemite is Unique. Why iis black i don't know.

    JDB, it certainly is not like Peanut Butter in flavour nor colour. I don't think you would like it, just like an American on u tube who tried it , he spat it out and said it tasted like sh--, i was wondering how he knew what sh.. tasted like! lol.

    Porridge, or a wee bit of toast.

    i guess the the person to ask  is a newish member Colinpaul, he saw the photo gave an answer but before i could read it , bang 404.--- Actually he posted the question.

    It wasn't me...


    Bullet man as my Defence Minister in my short abscence "Shoot the b-----d who 404ed you.

    What narrow minded twit would do that?

    Kids on the site my bum, little buggers watch all sorts of s--t so a lady in vegemite  would be nothing.

    Probably someone who thought you were promoting a Michael Jackson reversal. CYA mate.


    PL, I would like the opinions of members but i can't
    post the photo believe me their is nothing Offensive about it, but then again Aussie's are not PRUDES.

    Cant imigane why anyone would delete any type of vegemite per haps they were carnivorious..



    Better get it off coz!


    A cup of tea with some milk and biscuits in addition to bread.

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