    What traits did you pick up from either parent? Good or bad.

    +10  Views: 1103 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    good question ed xx

    19 Answers

    My father was an easygoing man, while my mom always made sure nothing was waisted. I think I am like my dad alot, but also learned from my mom about saving money. I miss them both so much.


    Ann me too would you believe - very like my beloved Father who is sadly long gone I do not save money but never waste - all will go to a good cause in the end.

    Hi dopey, how have you been. Really missed you.

    They turned out a lovely daughter by the sound of it!...I SO empathise with you..I lost my Dad 3 weeks before Christmas,very sudden and very unexpected!:-(
    All love to you,
    millie xxx

    Started smoking as a result of my mothers smoking although i can't blame her entirely , i do have free will my dad did not smoke my other siblings smoked for a while, we all since quit I also learned about the love of Christ from my dad so did my entire family as well..GOD bless them both..

    ed shank

    Your absolutely right, GOD BLESS THEM BOTH.

    Thanks ED..

    Two of my three step-fathers were truly good men. Men with character and morals. I grew to love them both equally. My mother was an overbearing woman who was incapable of compromise and unable to show any emotion, towards me in particular. She treated money as if it were a religion. I had absolutely no respect for money for a very long time. I swore that I would never be that same kind of person. I make it a point to tell my son and wife everyday that I love them. I love saying it and love hearing it said to me. I'm still somewhat reckless with money though.

    All three step-fathers have passed, and my mother is now in the last stages of Alzheimer's. She no longer knows who I am. If only I could tell her I love her, one time.


    Ed, its not too late to tell her you love her. I believe inside someone with Alzheimers they can still hear you, but cant express theire feelings and it must be very frustrating for your mom. When my mom was dying, she called me by my name and grabbed my hand. She was in the late stages of Alzheimers.I will never forget that.

    Ed, you should tell your Mom one more time. You would be amazed what can get through.
    I once had a conversation with an elderly woman who's husband had passed away six months prior from complications in the final stage of Alzheimer's. Close to the very end he looked up at his wife and said, "Norma, you are the love of my life."
    She was such a beautiful woman and when I write this to you I am completely choked up.
    You should tell your Mom.

    I agree with Ann and Fishlet...You can still tell her you love her..she`ll hear/feel it...It means more than ANYTHING ..AS YOU SAY!! xx

    I'd like to think I got some common sense from the man who raised me...........


    You think rightly!!

    Father - stubbornest: Mother - character:

    ed shank

    Seems that most families have one of each.

    I was lucky, i didn't become an alcoholic like my father, but unfortunately my brother did.

    ed shank

    Good thing for you, pray for your brother. It's never too late to quit.

    Impatience and honesty.


    how true is that?
    why do some people always seek aapproval, even when they don't need it!!

    I don't look like either one of my parents and so I have always said that I was switched at birth.  I am not one spit like my father.  I have a whacky sense of humor like my mother and the power of ESP! 

    I am actually more like my two aunts.  They could have been my sisters.

    I knew my parents love for me and I love them. Dad was a master tool and die maker before he became a baptist preacher. I am most like my dad. Mom was a pretty good cook and household mom. She is talented and from a medical background. My grand dad was a carpenter, built cabinets and furniture and retired  from a ship yard where carpentry work was required throughout the interior of ships, he saw the transition from wooden ships to metal ships, dad from metal ships to aircraft carriers and submarines, and my uncles from wooden and fabric airplanes to rocket propelled space ships. I worked in electronics, theoretical physics, engineering, early computer programming and digital communications before abruptly retiring at the age of 26 to work on my own…best choice I ever made.      

    From both parents hard working and being reliable; hot temper from my much beloved and missed Mom...

    To be conservative with my resources, money. They voted for obama too.  Not me.

    ed shank

    Same here with regards to $$$$.

    the love of animals from my Mother and work from my Father


    Welcome back, mel. :)

    Ditto from me Mel.

    Ducka thanks not for long! xxx

    Fishlet thanks but not for long sooooo much work! xxxx

    Me as well. That has to be a good thing.
    Hugs and warm wishes Sunshine. xox

    Fishlet lol x

    I left home at age mother had issues as I reminded her of my father (they were divorced) whom I do emulate to some degree...his sense of humor...his gnosticism compiled with healthy skepticism...I gained his knowledge of the bush and surviving in it...listening play guitar and be a pro-musician...and from mother learned a long time ago to never,never lay hurtful hands on your children lest they leave home permanently.I am my fathers' daughter.

    Hair colour, Attitude, Eye colour, Build, Brains, Free me come on and free me from your spell............what was the question?


    Are you nut,th?

    i loveth you romoth......alwayth. you are a grouth perthon!

    my father's bad temper. But time and life has taught me to quite myself down and think,think,think before launching into orbit. Because words do hurt.

    From my Dad - a thirst for knowledge. From my Mom - how to stretch a nickle until the buffalo screams. I miss them so much.

    Worry,I get that from my mom...I worry about everything under the sun and I hate it,but then again I can't stop,sure wish I COULD...


    You might think this is strange advice but it really worked for me... Think in the opposite direction. When you begin to worry say "Stop!" out loud then think in the opposite direction.
    Tell yourself that worrying is taking up too much space.
    Tell yourself it is a lesson in futility to worry about something that hasn't happened.
    Tell yourself that you can actually manifest a negative outcome by worrying.
    Tell yourself to live in the "Now".
    ... Basically, tell yourself anything other than focusing on what you are worrying about.
    You can't solve a problem by worrying about it. You can solve a problem by doing something about it. How can you expect yourself to have time to solve a problem if you are focused on the subject that is worrying you? Worrying takes up far too much space. Seriously.
    I hope this helps. This worked very well for me. I invented this myself! Pretty good hey!
    I was so sick of worrying.
    Smiles and hugs Rick. xo Fishy.

    With my sense of humour Im definitely my Dads daughter,in most ways Im a lot like him.As is my son.My Mam was a highly intelligent woman ,i unfortunately dont take after her!I once read that the first child takes after its Mother,each child after that is more and more like their Dad,think thers a lot of truth in that

    what do you mean?


    whom did you ask your "answer"?

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