    What is your take on Mimi Alford true story tale?

    Marion "Mimi" Alford (born June 4, 1944 is an American woman who wrote a book first published in 2011 about her affair 50 years earlier with the United States President John F. Kennedy when she was a 19 year-old intern working in the White House. Her book is titled Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath.

    In her book, Alford (then Beardsley) writes about how she lost her virginity in 1962 to the president, and that the ensuing affair lasted 18 months. She says they did not have sexual relations after August 1963, though they saw each other until six days before he was assassinated. At the time Alford, a recent graduate of Jacqueline Kennedy's alma mater, Miss Porter's School, was a student at Wheaton College, an all-girls private school in Massachusetts. She is currently a grandmother and a retired New York City church administrator.

    The relationship was first published in the 2003 Kennedy biography An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917–1963 by Robert Dallek. It was previously confirmed in general terms by Kennedy press aide Barbara Gamarekian, identifying "Mimi" by name in her oral memoir transcribed by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in 1964, and unsealed in 2003.

    In an interview with Ann Curry on February 9, 2012, Alford stated that at the time she did not feel guilty about the fact that the president was married, although in hindsight, "I feel guilty about not having felt guilty about Mrs. Kennedy."

    +2  Views: 1001 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    AHHH!!! That one!

    I,ve got a record of this!!!!!!!

    6 Answers

    I stumbled across this interview a few months ago.  The woman seemed sincere enough.  Who knows what people have the audacity to say.


    I have no doubts she is sincere.
    The question I raise is that the latest political "scandals" at much lower level and in one case at the same level are nothing compare to this case. This kind of behaviour is one of the pieces of baggage that causes Newt Ginrich to fail in his attempt to run an win the current presidential election...

    If you are in the public eye and running for any type of political position one should make sure the clsoset is squeeky clean.

    Who among us have a closet that is queeky clean, unless you have finished your spring cleaning, Fishlet ??

    My closets are far too full to even wonder if they are squeeky clean lewboy.

    And so??????


    Not a big deal for a President of (in spite of this kind of behaviour)the greatest of all time Democratic nation?

    WHO ????



    Mimi Alford

    Mimi Alford
    Born Marion T. Beardsley
    June 4, 1944 (1944-06-04) (age 67)
    Other names Marion Beardsley Alford
    Marion Fahnestock
    Spouse Tony Fahnestock (div)
    Richard Alford

    Marion "Mimi" Alford (born June 4, 1944 is an American woman who wrote a book first published in 2011 about her affair 50 years earlier with the United States President John F. Kennedy when she was a 19 year-old intern working in the White House. Her book is titled Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath.

    In her book, Alford (then Beardsley) writes about how she lost her virginity in 1962 to the president, and that the ensuing affair lasted 18 months. She says they did not have sexual relations after August 1963, though they saw each other until six days before he was assassinated. At the time Alford, a recent graduate of Jacqueline Kennedy's alma mater, Miss Porter's School, was a student at Wheaton College, an all-girls private school in Massachusetts. She is currently a grandmother and a retired New York City church administrator.

    The relationship was first published in the 2003 Kennedy biography An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917–1963 by Robert Dallek. It was previously confirmed in general terms by Kennedy press aide Barbara Gamarekian, identifying "Mimi" by name in her oral memoir transcribed by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in 1964, and unsealed in 2003.

    In an interview with Ann Curry on February 9, 2012, Alford stated that at the time she did not feel guilty about the fact that the president was married, although in hindsight, "I feel guilty about not having felt guilty about Mrs. Kennedy."

     If I slept with a president I would write a book too.  But who cares.



    How about the president?

    I'm more the Kennedy or Clinton type. You know easy. (just kidding)

    My dear married (and otherwise actually) ladies (and gentlemen too),

    Imagine you were Jacky and you just learned about it... What was/is your reaction/response?

    I suppose the moral of the story is, wait untill they are dead before you trash thier name to make a few dollars.

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