    can i unsubscribe and get my money back

    0  Views: 484 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    This is akaQA, a general question and answer forum. Your subscription is not with us. If you received an e-mail confirmation for the subscription, I would look at that first to see how to unsubscribe. 

    Not if it is with Yahoo Small business and it is matched by an ICC ruling that it takes 3 months for a refund. And Yahoo tells you so on their signing up guarantee. I am contesting this issue both with the ICC and Yahoo because the cancellation was done within the first 24 hours and they did not have the facilities that I wanted.The same goes for "Real Player", and some other companies who sell stuff online, Best bet, don't commit to a purchase nor provide payment information until you use the trial period of 1 month before committing. And you will find that like all Jonah's luck the moment you pay, the trial stuff bombs out on the real mccoy. Real Player is for movies and entertainment and unless you have a very fast machine, your movies come to you in drops and drips and the accelerator is not supported by them either.

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