I'm going duck hunting! Well tell me Happy B Day I got missed! March 9th Boo Hoo

Awww Clu ((((great big hug)))))) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I'm not really late, I'm just reallllly early for next year! :)xoxoxox

@clu...ducky hunting??? YIKES!! Oh, duck...not ducky! Whew!
I was about to grab my camouflage feathers and run. :(
I was about to grab my camouflage feathers and run. :(
Happy belated Birthday wishes to you!
Happy belated Birthday wishes to Clu!
You are marvelous darling and we love you...
This is true. This is true. This is true.
xoxo Fishie
Happy belated Birthday wishes to Clu!
You are marvelous darling and we love you...
This is true. This is true. This is true.
xoxo Fishie
Ducky, You sneaked your question in while I was typing mine yesterday! So perhaps I was Ducky hunting! lol Thanks fishlet! I was waiting for your song!
14 Answers
I know what day it is tomorrow! A certain Ms. C is having a special day.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Will you sing? No parties until fishlet sings. Beware of ducka Shes singing. I suggest giving her crackers so she can't whistle also.
Happy Birthday ! Clu !! cheer tu sorry I was late, we should meet at Colleen party, tomorrow, save a piece for me, enjoy again have a good year!
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I will meet you at Colleen's party. She gets the biggest piece because my butt's over grown already! lol
A day late and a dollar short...Seems to be my motto, Happy Birthday @clu, celebrate for a week.......!
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Thanks Ms Texas! Everyones meeting at Colleen's tomorrow Its a dual party for the Pisces folks. I think Daren and Bob should be there They are Pisces We want cake though . No fish food! lol
Thanks wonderer! Meet me at Colleen's place for cake tomorrow. I've invited lots of people, I hope everyone brings cake!
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
You are hilarious... I will bring song and cheer but no beer as Colleen does not drink alcoholic beverage!
Happy birthday Lu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT! your birthdate in your profile is 09/03 which in this country means September 3rd...
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
When I did my profile it asked day, month, year. Weird, huh? Thanks for your wishes. Meet at Colleen's tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to clu, Happy Birthday to clu, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to cluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......we all love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. :)
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

Been singing for years but my confidence is increasing so now, I'm getting REALLY LOUD!!!!
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