    should kids get paid for doing chores

    no because kids need to help there parents out without expecting money back


    +6  Views: 1179 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    25 Answers

    No. Children are a part of the family and as such should be contributing members of the family. This teaches responsibility, respect and a feeling of pride in their home and family.

    Why reward a child for chores that are required of him/her. Let them find other ways to earn money such as doing  odd jobs around the house.


    Isn't doing odd jobs around the house the same as getting paid to do family chores? Kids do not need money until they are old enough to earn it themselves outside of the home doing jobs for others.
    country bumpkin

    I think there is a difference. There are designated chores that a child is required to do such as take out the trash, vacuum, wash dishes, clean their room, etc. What I'm referring to, are things that go beyond the norm such as rubbing grandpa's smelly feet that the parents won't touch because they'll puke.

    Well the last bit is abuse. I would report you. lol

    OMG on the feet! I hope they earn a fortune! lol

    I hope frequent raises are handed out.

    EEEEEWWWW! Grandpa get your smelly, pus filled, long toenailed feet out of my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They already are, who's  putting clothes on their backs, who's feeding them, who provides housing? Should they find a job that pays them a few bucks while their still in school and doesn't interfere with their grades, I see nothing wrong with that.

     I think daily chores and household duties are being part of the family! Maybe a list of  volunteer jobs Things that are not the usual chores  could be a money thing.  Post a list.   Sweep the driveway, pick branches out of the yard.  You can take the job or not- no pressure. Earning a couple dollars is nice. If the kids don't do, you will ,but they might jump on it.

    Children should do chores and not get paid. To become a responsible adult we need to become responsible children first and chores are part of that responsibility.

    I do lots of chores and she pays me nothing. I am a big kid

    Rewarding for doing what they are supposed to do makes no sense. There are things in life we must do and are expected to do.  Family responsibilities deserves no compensation.  They already get food, shelter, clothes and of course love.. What else should we give them??  I was lucky though, my parents owned a restaurant and i could always go there and work to raise a little extra cash if I wanted something. Usually waitresses would tip me for cleaning tables.   But at home, that was a responsibility.

    No way i never got paid a thing, it's part of  being a family,it builds character and shows responcibility . The day we start paying our kids to help out will be the same day they  lose respect for a structured well rounded family with any kind or moral upbringing..

    I never got paid for working at home. I was encourraged to earn money on my own and use the money I earned to advance my businesses, keep records and save money. When I earned to contribute to the household cost I chipped in increasingly.  

    Should a child pay to be part of a family? Agreeing with witchway and If they are old enough to NEED cash then their old enough to go out and earn it.

    I don't see any harm in rewarding them with cash or treats as long as they do a good job, but I don't think they should expect it. and I don't think it's a good idie to encourage them to expect it. I remember when I was a kid I used to run erronds for my brothers and sisters and they would give me 6 pence enough for a chocolate bar , I didn't get pocket money or anything like that without doining something for it.


    The key words are in your answer "I don't think it's a good idea to encourage them to expect it".
    Kids think they deserve everything. The idea of "earning" something is almost lost. This is true of too many adults, too.

    I always had things that I had to do and there were things I could do for money. But sometimes doing the things for money required a commitment from me to take on the job for the summer or whatever or they would find another way of getting it done.

    I definitely think they should help out around the house, for many reasons. This would also make them less likely to make a mess and then go walking off and leaving it for someone else to clean up. But, if a kid is doing a good job helping around the house, getting good grades in school...I don't think it hurts to show a little appreciation for their efforts, along with recognizing their achievements.

    Think it depends on the type of personallity, really.

    I have always assume the weekly allowance ( pocket money) also included doing  designated chores.

    Sure as long as they pay their parents for clothes, breakfast, lunch and supper. Oh and gas for driving them around

    Money is a great incentive, as is the promise of an item of interest. Dangling the carrot has its place, but contributing to the family by doing chores, and doing your best in school should be their "own reward".  It's like Chris Rock said, "Why give praise for doing something you are supposed to do?"  He was much funnier, but the point was made.  We need to show kids that just doing the right thing is enough...there doesn't always have to be "something in it for me".
    An allowance is a good idea, and teaching the child how to save, plan, and budget is a good idea to accompany that allowance.  Give them a ledger book with the first installment and help them learn to keep track of their expenditures.  Show them how to save for something they want.  Good bonding time, invaluable lessons, and you can teach by example.

    Yes. Teaches them the value of money. They do not spend as much frivolously. They become good budgeters. They also become excellent negotiators on rates and values. The larger the job, the higher the price that you have to pay. I find that washing cars is the highest because dads are too lazy to do the jobs themselves. :) improves their communication, debating and talk back skills to a "T". You may have a politician in the making as well ;).

    if it was your kids  then no . because you cant pay your son / daughter to do chores you order them to do chores.


    if it was another kid (not part of the family) then you have to pay him/her the amount of money he/she deserve.  

    I can't afford to give an allowance but I can afford to provide them with everthing they need and want .However, when I was a kid among six my Paw would threaten us with "NO BEATING" whenever we'd ask for an allowance...hah!!


    Yeah..not everyone can afford to pay extra pocket money...I know it can be a nightmare as all the kids are competing with their peers and MUST HAVE..the latest cool clothes and tech!...Not always possible!...LOVE is the MAIN thing!!...we never went without..but as one of 6 also..we just couldn`t get things showered on us!..makes you appreciate it more when you do start earning!!...OK..So I sound like my Grandma!!LOL!!!..i KNOW!!!:->

    Apparently, I missed out not only on all of the love I could have given children and the wonder and love they would have given to me...but also free maid and lawn services.  may I borrow some of your children/grand children? I promise not to pay them!!!!!  (LOL).

    "WHY. I don't.

    I think kids should get pocket money for some chores..washing their parents cars,gardening and stuff like that..but Parents don`t have it easy either...should your mum/dad have to tidy your bedroom?..Would you tidy theirs??...washing the dishes shouldn`t kill you!!??!..AND helping out generally..give and take:-¬....Prepares you for adult life!!...and cheers the parents up!!...(God I`m going to be hated by you kids)!!LOL!:-0

    Set the boundaries with your out what tasks you think are money deserving..and it will be a happier home!!

    have fun!

    millie xx

    yes , because then it will be like having a real job and practice for when he gets a real job

    yes , because then it will be like having a real job and practice for when he gets a real job

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