    A lot of people are saying we are probably facing the End of the World as we know it, they reckon the end date is 21st December, what are you thoughts on this??

    Its supposed to be something to do with the Mayan calender, (thou i think that sounds a bit like Nostradamus ),  and the fact that all the planets will align on that day, oh, plus there documented huge solar flares -  which are life threatning. ( Almost wish i had*nt asked.)

    +5  Views: 1291 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    The Maya people had 5 calenders. The longest being comprised of 5,000 years. This calender ends this year (Dec. 21st is in debate as the actual end date). It then begins again...counting off another 5,000 years. It is that simple. Such a pity the Maya culture didn't last nearly as long. Now I have the lyrics "It's the end of the world as we know it" wafting through the empty spaces in my brain.

    25 Answers

    Honestly, I think I'm tired of hearing about it. This is a constant question here and I say even if it were true there's nothing anyone can do about it. Just live, enjoy what you have, we all go to a better place in the end no matter the reason for our demise. Anyone who believes this is free to leave me as beneficiary of their will. :) 


    Colleen this is a really fun question, oh i will leave you my bullets. lol.
    country bumpkin

    I'll leave you my cow patties. lol

    They'll make good fertilizer for my garden :)

    Should save me from buying Christmas presents I suppose.

    Ah well.



    Except for the ones that you need to ship "across the sea". :)

    Romos, can you send mine priority paid in November so i receive it before the end. lol.

    Pftt- you think you're getting away with this?????

    Wasn't that in 2011?  You mean that I have to worry about it AGAIN in 2012?  Oh no.......

    Yes according to the Mayans Dec. 21st,2012 is the day it all ends.It just depends on how accurate their mathematics were.I Think there was a lot of superstition mixed in with their maths as well.


    I'm pretty sure that that Mayan calender ends where it does because the boss of the scribes came in and said "Awright boys better stop it there...I mean who's gonna be around to read this thing ain't like the world's gonna still be here!" and so they ended it there and broke for lunch! Peace.

    Then after lunch the head Myan said, "we're all out of writting rock, you're all fired and no more of that end of the world crap"

    I think it's a load of bull. We'll still be here this time next year.


    Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Eggie, i would have thought this was right up your alley. :)

    I am not one spit worried because I worked with a fellow a few years back who was in the know on the subject of the world ending.  I listened to him talk about "The End" for two years.  Doom and Gloom.  Gloom and Doom for two solid years. 

    According to this co-worker I am a chosen one.  I have absolutely no idea why but I am and because of this I can take my husband, son and my two dogs but, not the cat with me on the ship when it comes to get me from above.  The ships are circling now and have been for quite some time. 

    Curiously enough, he didn't tell me if he was a chosen one.


    I don't care what he said... the cat is coming too.


    Just put the cat in a doggy suit. The aliens will never know ;)

    Or you could drape the little fluffer 'round your neck and claim her/him as "FAUX-FUR" How posh!!!

    I will come up with a plan...I LOVE MY CAT!!!!

    Oh! chosen one I am glad to hear the cat does not get left behind. All beings should be equal.

    Now, when you call me that Dacia it makes me feel special!... I love my cat. I have found a cat transporting device made by Dabba Doo... It will make the cat appear to be a purse... The cat is coming along!

    This is Caddam the spaceship driver, I heard what you said.
    Read my antenna's "no freekin catz" !!

    @Caddam... The cat has the power of mind meld. She is a very special cat... Her lineage stretches back to ancient Egypt.

    Within our modern history there have been over 100 dates predicted {actually it's more like 140} for the world to end!From the lunatics who thought they could catch a ride to Nirvana on the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet to the sages of old like Isaiah there have always been fear-mongerers spreading mis-information, dis-information, and confusion as fact!The craziest part is that those not blessed with healthy skepticism fall prey to this kind of manufactured fear! So fret not good people for this beauty blue sphere that we have as our home is not soon to diminish...we are waking up and discovering that nothing is what it seems to be if we are to rely on this minority of so-called experts who would love nothing more than to have all the toys for themselves as they watch us all head for the hills! Peace.

    No matter what does or doesn't happen, no amount of worrying about it is going change anything. But, just as with any other time, people should always be prepared in the event of an emergency. I only say this, as I personally believe people are all too easily lulled into complacency by the life they've grown up knowing. Never really thinking about what would help them survive a natural disaster, or breakdown of the system we've become so reliant upon in our everyday lives.

    Those are all natural occurances. The end of the world is not near. Nothing but fear mongering.

    Well i hate to scare ya, but the second part of the prediction was on Thursday 9th, a much larger than normal Solar Flare, so it begins, hoooooooooooo.  , and to make you feel better the first part was a few nights ago with the alighnment of the planets, next will be nataurals disasters where they have never occurred before. hoooooooooooooo., don't worry about it, you still have 9 months to enjoy yourselves.


    Your Christmas pressies are on their way,
    I,m not taking any chances.

    Ok ! now I'm a prophet enough of this B...Sh...T  No more about 2012 ending. tire of all of this crap.


    Facebook, don't be like that, haven't you seen the film, great effects. lol.

    Thoughts on this---little small ones. Why would anyone WORRY about it? IF it happens well its a done deal. IF it doesn't see ya later alligator.



    ....after while crocodile.

    Real soon raccoon.

    ...not too soon baboon.


    Yipee, I'll be king again...

    This kind of question was asked many times before. My answer to everyone is the same: your world as you know it ends when your life ends.

    today i am not in a good mood, i don't give a.....! ask  in december,if have still time i will give you an answer,god bless you


    ...Ditto on the mood

    Why be concerned, be ready, may be today.

    Well seeing how it's on new years eve why worry just party on, the end will be here when GOD decides.



    Laughing loud and hard!

    There will be a lot of wrong people then.

    Our government has built and is continuing to built massive underground cities in Maryland and Utah plus extreme northern Alaska, same for Greenland and near the north pole on the ice.   The sites are supposed to be all isolated from each other by long distances for 'catastrophy event'  and have a capacity of around 1,000 each.  50+ years ago I recal reading in I believe it was Popular Science   The Governments Dooms Day City in Alaska.  I was in Alaska in the Military in the 60's, then high paying construction jobs could be had if you would sign up for 6 months of isolation at the North Slope.  Supposidly it wasn't connected to the pipeline project. 

     In December 2012 the north pole and distant northern hemisphere sites will be on the furthest backside of the earth away from the sun for several months.  I can't imagine these places were constructed for congressmen's vacation  spots .  Satelites have eliminated NORAD and the need for northern listening posts.   If you get wind of government officials jokingly saying they intend to spend Christmas at the north pole, I'm heading for Fairbanks.!



    I hear other countries have been building under ground cities, I think most notable was China. Its not really all that suprising when you think about it, it seems its always been one rule for them, and the masses are to ignorant to matter. I think I will have to come up with a contingency plan, ready for when I hear those officals stampeding north!

    Hope it's the 23rd, I have a batchelor party on the 22nd.

    Learn how to swim.


    Colleen, it says u commented my last comment, starting Oh chosen Fishlet,  but I dont see a comment.   Is it delayed?  Lost in transit or something else?


    No, it's there. I just moved a comment of yours to where it belonged. You commented back to fishlet using the "add new answer" box not as a "comment this answer".

    "Of that day and hour said Jesus Crist Himself. knoweth no man"  this is the record of th holy Scriptures

    Oh! chosen one I am so glad.  The cat will look like a purse?  That is priceless,  and I would so love to see that.  I have 2 cats myself,  thou I think 1 would have to go as a holdall,  prefrabley (?) with wheels!  Not saying shes fat, shes  not, but very sturdily built!!  Now what about other pets??  Hamster coin purse perhaps?  Doggie Bag?????  ROFL!!        P.S  the cat has the power of mind-meld?  Are you sure his ancestors are Egyptian?    That sounds more like his ancestors are VULCAN!  Live Long & Prosper.  >:-)                                                  


    Now, I want a hamster... you have really started something!
    Live Long, Prosper and Laugh!
    The cat doesn't laugh... she probably is Vulcan.
    Dabba Doo makes backpack and travel cases with wheels.... you can totally outfit your feline pals. The cats are going with.
    Book your ticket here...
    Use the code words STICKY FOOT PEDAL.
    This will get you a first class seat and complimentary breakfast.


    Karma: 2680

    Oh Chosen Fishlet, get a hamster and the cat will definitely be happy! If you have not seen her laugh maybe she does it behind her paw, (very polite) or cats having a very superior opinion of themselves, maybe she waits till you have left the room? I have booked my seat, so c u later? I believe there's a cat nebula out there somewhere, sure I heard it on one of those space documenteries, sounds promising.
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