    How do I make a kitten formula for 6 week old ........

    please some1 know....

    +1  Views: 723 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) or Just Born are the best formulas to feed a neonatal kitten. Do not give a kitten cow's milk, except in an emergency. If you cannot obtain KMR immediately, use the following emergency recipe for up to 24 hours only. In an emergency, call, a veterinarian, or check a local pet store for kitten formulas. Visit for humane societies in your area.
    Emergency Recipe
    2/3 cup homogenized whole milk 3 raw egg yolks 1 tablespoon corn oil 1 dropper pediatric liquid vitamins

    Warm the formula in a nursing bottle or medicine dropper by placing the bottle or dropper into a cup or bowl of hot water. Test the formula on the underside of your wrist to check the temperature. If it feels too warm or too cold on your wrist, it will feel the same for the kitten. If the formula is too hot, wait until the formula cools down. If the formula is too cold, continue soaking the bottle or dropper in hot water. Always be sure to test the formula again before giving it to the kitten.
    Place the kitten on her stomach at a 45-degree angle (just as a kitten would nurse from the mother) and let her nurse until she turns her head. Do not hold the kitten's head back, and do not hold her on her back as you would a human baby, because the kitten could aspirate formula into her lungs. Avoid getting air into the kitten's tummy by holding the bottle at an angle to keep liquid toward the nipple. Pulling back slightly on the bottle will help trigger the kitten's sucking reflex. Never squeeze the bottle to force milk to come out. Do not panic if the kitten does not eat the first day. She may be more accustomed to her mothers' milk, which is quite rich, and can sustain her for a longer time than replacement formulas. (If she is still not eating after 24 hours, seek veterinary assistance immediately. She may need to be force fed through a tube. Never attempt tube feeding yourself if you are unfamiliar with this procedure. If done improperly, esophageal or stomach damage, and even death can result.) Important: After the kitten's stomach is full, it is necessary to stimulate her to help her eliminate. A kitten does not have the ability to do this until they are three weeks old. Stimulate by taking a wet, lukewarm, but not hot, washcloth or paper towel and gently massage the anal region in a small circular or back-and-forth motion. You may want to hold kitten over a towel or sink while stimulating her.

    Feeding Schedule This is a general guideline. A kitten will eat more often or less often, depending on the kitten. The label on the container of kitten formula you purchased should indicate the recommended amount to feed a kitten according to body weight. If a kitten cries, she is either cold or hungry. A contented kitten sleeps quietly.

    Age in Weeks/Feedings per day
    1 week old - needs 6 feedings per day 2 weeks old - needs 6 feedings per day3 weeks old - needs 4 feedings per day4 weeks old - needs 3 feedings per day

    Never overfeed a kitten Some kittens will eat and eat as long as food is offered to them. Follow the instructions and guidelines on the container of kitten formula. When the kitten is three to four weeks old, you can begin weaning the kitten with baby food (GERBER Chicken, Turkey or Beef) or canned kitten food mixed with KMR.>


    Very well said and helpful !!! First class answer !You have out done yourself with this ! Applause is in order here ,just dont know how . Bill

    Research on the internet Bill,C&P, simple as that, can,t take credit for the lot.

    Start by mixing up a batch of basic kitten formula. Mix together 4 ounces evaporated milk, 4 ounces water, 2 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of light corn syrup and 1 capsule of liquid cod liver oil found in the vitamin section of a drugstore or grocery store. Mix well and feed the kitten at least 1 cc, but no more than 3 cc, of the formula every 2 hours using the medicine dropper. Store the remaining formula in the refrigerator to keep the mixture cold. You will need to make a new batch every 48 hours and dispose of all unused formula. If the kitten does not drink the formula or seems to not like the taste, try a different recipe.

    normal kittens at 6 weeks of age should be ready for weaning from the mother cat. Are you sure of your kittens age?

    the vet sells it

    Thank you very much I ppreciate it..:)


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