    Just a thank you to all my AKA friends for their birthday wishes.

    I thank you all most sincerely for your thoughts and wishes.

    Had a friends and family get together last Saturday, early I know but it was the only time the telephone booth was available for us all, had a nice time and everyone told lies about how wonderful I am.

     My son could not attend on Saturday as he had to oversee the loading of a Black Hawk Helicopter onto a transport plane. He is the General Electric technical engineer for the Black Hawk and has to be there when this sort of thing is done.

    In case you are wondering the motors for the Black Hawk are made by General Electric.

    Anyway he flew down from Townsville and took me to lunch to day, lovely time,

    I went to the Aged Care Facility with my dog and got a nice card that was hand made by the residents,a bottle of beer and lots of good wishes and kisses.And that was the men.

    Leave you to work out the ladies gifts.

    Thanks again for your thoughts and here`s to my 90th.

                               Love you all kisses for the ladies, hugs for the men.


    +11  Views: 1062 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hope you remembered to take telephone of the hook and hang the out of order sign on the box before party commenced.

    21 Answers

    I,m not really the huggy type of bloke coz, but since your kinda family.


    Hope you had a great day!



    Okay then, I take back my hugs R. :(

    are you the kissy type???

    Not with men.
    Especially 80yr old men.
    Sorry PPL.

    had to ask. LOL

    Happy, happy.. Hope you're celebrating for the given week.............

    I would like to know the secret of longivity. If you would like to tell. You are an amazing man.

    Lots of love to you, Ann


    Thank you Ann, the secret to my longevity is one I will share with you. I was born in 1932 and if you had been also , well you would be as old as me.
    Live hard, love a lot and most of all laugh a lot.
    Don`t ever bear a grudge no matter what is thrown at you.
    Bitterness makes you old and bitterness shows in every way on every day.
    I am dead set serious when I say I have never held a grudge in my entire life and I have had a lot of brown smelly stuff thrown at me.
    See you on my 90th. xxx

    Thank you PPL. That is a great lesson and I know you are right. Its all about attitute. I wish I had yours.

    NINETY? What's in your water? Send me some. Happy Birthday kid.

    No doubt you've saw a lot in those years. Much change. Hope all was a happy birthday for you!

    Man.....I wish I were "20" again!


    It's easy, just change the year you were born like me, I never get older than "21".

    Happy Birthday Wishes!  Wow! 

    xo Fishy!

    Your akaQA profile says: PEOPLELOVER Date of birth:29 02 1932.

    Is this info correct or no?

    In either case you are amazing. Many many more!!! (((((((PEOPLELOVER)))))))


    Yes I was Val and I remember it well as I recall it was a Monday, I knew it was a Monday as my mother did the washing (laundry) after she had had me and she always did the washing on a Monday.
    Further more it was a full moon that night, which explains a lot about my mental state.
    As a final note I was not expected to live as I was a "sickly" baby but I proved the doctor wrong eh?

    Hey Love bug... I have not been on AKA for a while. But I made a special trip to send you some birthday lovin'... XOXOXOXO. 


    Thank you my sweet, don`t forget to come back for my 90th. xxxxxxxxx

    WOW Happy 90th Birthday!



    thanks ducka

    We are so blessed to enjoy your friendship! Many, many happy returns!

    90 going on 20..Happy Birthday..



    "Happy "Birtyday old "Digger you "Beaut big "EIGHTY"1932. "Bog in to that cake!! Buy you a DOUBLE Malt if I every meet you .hope I do, all the best your friend Dowsa.

    90 acting like

    Keep it going now you can get away with it.........

    Happy Birthday Peoplelover!!! May All Your Dreams Come True!!!

    Amazing! 90yr Birthday , can't believe this! Just the same wishes you Happy birthday! Peaplelover (~)



    Oh sorry it 80TH..

    I just look 90 Facebook and thanks for your wishes.

    Feliz Cumpleanos!!

    I'm so glad you have had such a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!! You deserve it! ((( and a kiss)))-Doo

    Aw! shucks Bob, thank you so much. xx By the way I still have that bed for you when you come to OZ.

    Hope that longneck is one of many more to come, a great milestone, glad you had a good day

    Happy "BELATED" Birthday, the weather isn't agreeing with me and has me undercovers for a week now.


    Bit old to become a spy let alone go "undercover" aren`t you Dad 59.
    Thanks for thought.

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