    am i going to get marryed this year

    me and my partner are wontingto get marred but we dont know when we should get marred

    +3  Views: 813 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    You should stay in school and learn how to spell. We do not have a crystal ball so no one here can tell you if you will get married. Seriously, get an education first. I imagine you will want kids someday. You should at least be smarter than your kids. 


    i am 22 year old woman ya i don't wont to go to school because i got billed at school so no i am not going back to school

    Get your GED. You should be able to spell better at your age. I imagine you left at 16 when it was legal to quit school. You should have been spelling better even at 16. A lot of kids get bullied at school. They still graduate.

    Why not get a Job /house have money in the Bank first ? then get "Married!! ?

    if you like , try  the 4.dec. ,i was 22and i am still married to the same man for 32 years,don't ask how  and why, you still can go to school, i did with 30 years, i wish you  good luck


    Spelling tutor...  There are many sites that help you by teaching skills you may have misses in school. Many are free. Learning to spell is important and getting in some college will boost your earning ability significantly. 

    The Great Swami says,   if you get married now it will not last long  , you have a better chance to succeed as partners after 21 years old and both have a job making money.

    The Great Swami says, you will lead a long and successful life if you act as conservative as you can. In other words , dont be a dumbass and vote for obama.


    umm is that don't be a dumb ass and vote for Obama 0r don't be a dumb ass and don't vote for Obama???

    You do have some severe issues that you need to cover before you get married.

    You should not be carrying the scars of bullying on your sleeve.

    As your great lady Eleanor Roosevelt said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

     I believe that you may be 22 years old but with respect I do not get the impression you are a "WOMAN"

    I started school at age 6 and left at age 14 and my spelling and attitude are far from yours.

    Marriage is not a game of "Happy Families" it is bloody had work.

    I am a 80 yr old man so I have seen it all. Good luck with your future but please continue to spread you horizons.


    Yes, Kylie, marriage will not solve your problems. It will just give you a whole new set of problems.

    Well said sir!!!! Congrats on your recent birthday !!! You have my respect, always enjoy your words and wisdom . Bill

    Thank you on all counts Bluesman, I try to pass on some of the lessons in life that I have experienced in the hope they may help others.

    Oh Great Swami, what would we do without all the dumb asses and all their dumb ass questions.  Life would be so dull.


    Is it necessary to rain on her parade for a few misspelled words ? Marriage may not be the wisest course of action for these two. Some help may be in order in stead of pointing out faults . I dont know what to say about this . Schools arent doing a very good job are they . So who let who down here .

    Sounds like you have issues that should be resolved not having a High School diploma. Or GED???  How will you both support your marriage? Children?  It doesn't sound like you have gotten over being bullied. It will do you a lot of good to get counselling to be able to move on.........

    "" My crystal ball says you will get married this year in November.

    please,don't forget we don't live forever,

    Why the rush ?You are only 22,don't get married just for the sake of it,  give yourselves time to really get to know each other before making that huge commitment, enjoy each others company in the meantime.

    don't get married untill you both have some training beyond H.S. in a field where jobs are open......something  you'd be certified in. It's a certified world out there. And, for heavens sake, DON'T  have a baby untill  you two are married, and  both gainfullly employed and have saved enough money for some furniture and maybe a down payment on a house.

    It would seem to me that if you need to ask here, and I certainly don't mean to undermine or trivialize your question, that maybe you have doubts yourself about such an important decision, and one that could potentially effect more lives than that of yours and your future husbands, that is children you may have,work hard and maybe study part time, it will give you security financially and also give you more self esteem before you commit yourself, if you both love each other a little more time won't destroy your plans, just delay them for awhile, your still young and have plenty of time, good luck

    According too the Mayan calender it not a good year to get marry!

    My Ouija Board is in the shop for repairs so I'm unable to answer at this moment.

    Well i have a crate of beer to get the party started, just as soon as you both make your minds up, or come of age.

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