    Do you like a lot of salt on your food?

    Do you find yourself putting salt on food before you taste it?

    +8  Views: 1547 Answers: 27 Posted: 12 years ago

    I believe in MODERATION in everything is best

    27 Answers

    I like a lot of salt, especially tolerating the cooking of certain people. With food that tastes bland to me, it is a lifesaver, although I know it doesn't help my blood pressure. When it comes to my wife's cooking, I also go for the soy or hot sauce. I appreciate her efforts when she cooks, and this is just a quiet way of getting through an often bland tasting meal. I also do a lot of cooking, but I have to keep it bland. Life is so much less complicated this way!


    I know how you feel, I love spice my husband thrives on bland

    I know a person addicted to salt. He carries it with him so he'll have it wherever he goes. He salts his food to the point where it's so salty that others would throw the food away. He uses a salt substitute sometimes because he knows salt is bad for his health, but  his blood pressure is still very high.

    terryfossil 1

    When i used to pick lemons,we carried a salt shaker with us.when we wanted to suck on a lemon we would sprinkle heavily with salt..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    My uncle Ray used to like to suck on lemons, but I don;t think he added salt. Do you like salt on watermelon and cantaloupe too?
    terryfossil 1

    No CB,just lemons and fish.. ,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    CB,has anybody located Python yet..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    I'm not in contact with Pyth, there may be someone else on aka who is in contact with her, but I don't know who it would be.

    I forget to salt my food and rarely do so except when I'm cooking it, I may remember then..............

    Yes i reach for the salt and pepper, it is a habit of mine.

    I personaly like a fair bit of salt and as far as damage to your heart I have a theory.

    If you consume excessive salt it blocks your arteries so making your heart work harder to move the blood.

    If you go to the gym and work out you get big muscles SO by making your heart , the largest muscle in the body, work out it gets stronger.

    Hence eating salt is good for your heart. QED.

    I am 80 in two days so "It works for me"


    your answers are great old friend You forgot the "Whiskey" warms the "Heart!!as well.

    Salty whisky? me thinks not.

    No E in our whisky, and no salt either.

    Thanks for the typo notice, too late for a old bloke.

    Both are correct !

    Moderator made me look it up 'cause I didn't believe you. Imagine! Right you are (of course).

    The Irish spell whiskey and the Scots spell whisky.
    Irish with E Scots no E

    Hope you have a fantastic birthday, and may there always be plenty of salt on your chips

    TO LAMBSHANK thank you for you birthday wish and you thoughts for my heart re salt on my chips.
    terryfossil 1

    Aussies with E..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I like to put a lot of salt on defenseless slugs............


    JULIE!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, think about it! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll think about it until the next rain storm.......

    Did you know that slugs are born without gender? They dance for many hours---er, slither until some unknown reason, one becomes male and other female. Then after birth, the female will revert back to enuch state until another snail comes by and at that time, it may turn to male. After that you can put the salt on them.

    Cool info, will file away until someone ask a question about more slugs....

    Hardened arteries can result from over-consumption of salt.


    No, I rarely use salt tough I probably should use more as the body does require it. 

    I don't add salt to anything....even though I'd like to do so.  If you look on almost any product and read the ingredients, you will see that they add salt to everything unless it specifically says "no salt added".  Sometimes, one cup of a canned or packaged product, gives you 60% of your whole days' requirement....just one cup!!!  We get more than enough salt without adding it and if you ask a dietician or naturopathic doctor, that will be the advice given. Restaurant food is the absolute worst offender in the "salt (and sugar) department".


    Ducky, I do the same thing. Almost all prossed foods are loaded with salt.

    NO.only sea salt,as in "Fish..

    No, I don't salt anything or if I do it is rarely. Not for medical reasons, my BP is perfect.  Usually when eating out, prepared restaurant food usually has too much salt as is. my wife cooks with minimal salt, just enough to enhance flavor without the saline taste.  Also, I believe with proper seasoning you won't need salt in excess..  A recipe prepared right you should not be able to detect any of the ingredients, it should blend to give the dish a personality. Salt covers much of this


    Ann, thanks for your TU vote but you better read it again, I edited it after your vote, you may not agree with what I said.. Sorry, I hate when i vote and someone edits.. LOL

    Spices can make a world of difference!

    I don`t like alot of salt on food. Processed food like hot dogs,pot pies,tv dinner, i can taste the salt. I do salt sweet corn.

    Yes it enhances the flavor of just about anything, but i use it only in moderation..



    Totally guilty, I also keep salt and pepper in my car and at work to adjust food bought that is never salty enough for me, I am aware it's probably not good for me used in abundance but probably wouldn't eat the food without the salt, especially foods like eggs, potatoes,etc



    You can get used to less salt by decreasing it gradually. I was a "salt freak" at one time, until I learned how bad it is for you.

    Never before tasting, adding as litle as tollerable after. If available and no other options I add spices: chile, black pepper, coriander and such to make the food tastier.


    No, Shootah, salt is not something I habitually add to my food.  Like others, I find the sodium content in many foods excessive to begin with....IF I add salt, it isn't even 1/64 of a teaspoon....except fresh tomatoes or watermelon.     I made tortilla soup yesterday, and it really could use some salt.  I'm going to add pepper instead.  I like pepper more.

    I only use sea salt and very sparingly. I use more black pepper than salt.


    Black pepper is recommended...isn't processed food just awful when you read the ingredients?

    Yes it is. I think most people dont bother to read what the ingredients are or dont understand what it means.

    Probably because it makes grocery shopping such a long, drawn out process that people just don't bother. I do see a lot more people reading labels now as compared to say, 10 years ago.

    Im terrible for salt,without it ,food to me is bland.Things like chips,mashed potatoes for example,to me they NEED salt!And im a smoker but my blood pressures low.....i dont get it...


    It won't necessarily STAY low, so be careful.

    I was always told to stay away from the white stuff, SUGAR,FLOUR, and SALT! They'll kill you!

    I do like my salt..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""


    Looks like 187/119.
    country bumpkin

    I get it, blood pressure.
    terryfossil 1

    That's what you eat on your way to the morgue..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Just a little, I don't like food to be too salty.  I do put it on tomatoes, and chips, they just seem to need it to me. I add pepper to most things, I like pepper. 

    Dad had a bad stroke back in 1970. Doc even told mom she might want to make plans cause he ain't gonna make it. When he did the doc said quick the 4 pack a day habit, no salt, no sugar. So we grew up without salt. We would even go to McDonald's and dad would wait till they made fries and we would get them before they salted them. I do use salt if a recipe calls for it but usually back it down. If it calls for a teaspoon I use a 1/2 teaspoon. And I definitely don't like over salted food from a restaurant.



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