    How do you like your coffee or tea?

    Do you prefer coffee or tea, with sugar or cream. or with both?

    +10  Views: 1505 Answers: 29 Posted: 12 years ago

    29 Answers

    IN A CUP .Please!! "Oh just TEA White ,even black.

    Myself, I like black coffee with a couple of sugars.

    Coffee with light cream and some sugar.  


    Four years later.....tea with soy milk and honey. :)

    Like my women Black or White as long as they are sweet and hot.


    "YES "YES thats two TU They "stir you old friend "SEX BOMB"


    mostly only plain black coffee......once in a while some vanilla carmel creamer

    With real cream only. If I don't have cream, I'll use milk. I can't handle sweet coffee........

    HOT... with cream and sugar..

    Neither. Only a piece of dark chocolate with both espresso and tea.


    I have never tried espresso but the dark chocolate sure sounds good. :)

    and healthy too - lots of antioxidants!

     Coffe with cream and very little sugar

    Love my coffee, boiled half milk half water, put it in Mug, add sugar and milk.


    I once worked with a woman from England who mixed her coffee up like that...she was teased a lot..not by me of course! LOL!!!!

    A spoon of coffee ?

    Bet woman did not care, I know I would not, the coffee is well worth it, lol

    You're right! She used to get a kick out of being teased about it and told mean...THEM...that we didn't know what we were missing. Lots of laughs about it. :)

    I also enjoy tea some times. made with all milk. Milk and tea bag boiled togeather,then put the milky tea in cup/mug, add cold milk and sugar. Lovely.

    Black no sugar and with a head on it.

    I like tea and coffee with cream. Plain tea.

    Coffee:  HOT, with flavored creamers (hazelnut especially)
    Tea:  Room temperature or iced; I prefer green tea with mango or peach flavor.  
    Hot Tea: I like the flavored, herbal stuff.  Cinnamon, Orange Spice......
    Both coffee and tea I like to enjoy with a friend.  :D 

    I like Ice tea, and coffee about the same. Once in a while hot tea.

    Very rare i drink tea but if i do its got to be very sweet and very weak(think ,hot water!)Coffee i drink a heck of a lot of, definitely not decaff and one sugar(brown )please.Milk in both tea and coffee too

    1 level teaspoon sugar 2 level teaspoons creamer  in morning then black rest of the day

    Strong but milky. Like a latte with an extra shot.

    Tea with sugar.

    Coffee with sweetener and cream. 

    Coffee with cream  and Tea usually without cream or sugar except ice tea in a tall glass in the summertime with a sprig of mint and a shot of rum. rarely.


    Can I have one them tall ice tea with mint and a shot of rum, sound good to me!

    Coffee with cream.  Tea with a bit of sugar and cream.

    Sootha I'm so happy you asked this light hearted question!  I love coffee.  Coffee with cream and sugar & cooled down for about 5 minutes.  Yum Yum.  I think I will go get a cup in a while.  Thanks

    I like mind coffee with cream and two sugar, Oh yep also hot  if possible. Thank You,


    I bet that mind coffee makes you think, hey?

    No! but I like Bob coffee with (hazelnut) good choice never try it before?

    Coffee with cream. Tea with milk and a good friend!

    Green tea with one spoon of sugar.


    I have never drank my Green Tea with sugar. I drink a lot of it and Rooibos as well. Maybe I should try a bit of sugar... SWEET!

    Black coffee, 1 sugar.

    Strong tea, only tealeaf brewed, 1 sugar and a dash of milk.

    Coffee/Tea with 1 pkg Sweet & Low. 


    i like my coffee hot or coffee cold with cream. Both ways i like it with sugar.

    Coffee only,with milk and 1 sugar....>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    With sympathy.

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