    why would any one want to read at school

    +1  Views: 619 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Reading at School???!!!!!! Math at School????!!!!! is coming to me... Ah, I've got it- To LEARN!!!!!!!!!!



    Your right Romos...We have too many "free" thinkers anyway. It makes the politicians nervous when we start to think on our own. School's out! No more learning just believe whatever they tell you!

    You don't neeeeeeeeed to do anything at all.  You can grow up.  Find yourself homeless and without a job.  You can fight for shopping carts to hold your nineteen worldly possessions and beg strangers for money if you prefer that.   

    You can fight with bed bugs over the sleeping bag.  You can hope and pray that it just doesn't get too cold tonight and you can stand in the line at the soup kitchen ... Don't forget to say thank you ... these wonderful human beings truly do care.

    You can scan the gutters for bottles and cans.

    You can hope that Value Village has that coat that you need in your size for under three dollars.

    You can dream about the socks that you can never seem to afford.

    You can ignore the pity in the eyes of the people who really do love you.

    It is your life.

    Do with it what you like.

    If you don't read you are also missing out on the great big world of "Imagination".  Sad and True.

    Because it is awesome! But I understand.. I was a slow reader and hated reading in school because everyone read so much faster... My son is the same way... My daughter loves to read... Take your time... Enjoy the stories.

    "" THEN, READ AT HOME!!!!


    Dear me- the dude in that picture needs to seek medical attention- No tongue. No eyeballs. terrible really- LOL!!!

    How is he going to read?
    He lives downstairs from me.
    Trust me! I know!!!!!

    I read everything! Cereal boxes  labels.  You read too and be thankful you can understand writing!  School is just not party time! Be nosy! The more you know, the more you grow! (mentally)

    It sounds like you don't like to read. If you pick a book about a subject that you like then I'm sure you'll become hooked like everyone else. Happy hunting and enjoy!

    Duh, wow It makes me wonder who will be leading our countries in 40 years. It's already bad enough.

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