    Any advice on how to kindly stop bullying?

    This is a problem at school

    +4  Views: 678 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    The school should be dealing with this, you have sometimes to virtually "bully" the school into dealing with it.

    Persevere with them or the appropriate authority and hopefully they may resolve it.

    It has gone on for generations, don,t expect anything to happen overnight.

    Good luck.

    Perhaps talking to the parent might help if not let the authorities should do their job.

    Tell the teachers and your parents and THEN, learn martial arts, Kung Fu. No one will ever touch you again once they know you learn martial arts.

    This is how my old military career began. In 10th th grade a couple guys would push our group of three friends around. Back then schools did nothing. We learned the art of deception and hiding and got very good at it. We made their life absolutely miserable. No harm ,no damage just a weekly bad luck occurrence. These days schools will help you out. , Turn it around and have some fun. Two words to remember -- Skunk Scent.

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