    life is difficult

    +2  Views: 1006 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    22 Answers

    It truly can be but it is the only one you have at the moment so do your very best.

    I like it...Yippy !

    If it wern't would it be worth living, no one said it was going to be easy, but no one said it was going to be this hard either..

    Life is an incredible ride filled with adventure and the intrigue of the unknown. It only gets hard when you're stuck in a rut and make no changes. Living brings change. Go live and seek the change. :)

    You will appreciate the easier times more after living through the tough times!

    OH YE!

    Yep it is not a bowl of cherries sometimes it is the pits.

    The alternative is NOT to be reccomended either

    it can be, the only thing stopping you doing anything is you.

    Bloody right!

    Nobody ever said it was easy............

    ...............yep, you won't get an argument from me on that!  But I enjoy a good puzzle. 

    It sure can be, but don't dwell on the negative, focus on the positive.

    but ongoing.


    It's like a box of chocolates! You never know what your going to get!


    Perfect! I like the almond roca, nuts & chews more than the cremes.

    me too! I hate the cream! Yuk!

    Are you Tom Hanks in disguise Daisy?

    oh I wish! Creative, talented actor, rich! No I'm just a Daisy!

    If it's not your doing it wrong.

    ask for help. At times it is hard to ask for help.

    No shit.

    Bad times sure make you appreciate the good.

    sure is, but wouldn't it be boring without the continual challenges life seems to perpetuate

    Yes it is, especially if we act as though we have one boot nailed to the floor. I say that, as after that point, our lives take a turn where it's like we are walking in a small circle, repeatedly revisiting the same things and never getting anywhere.

    ""Yep, it sure is, especially when you're eighty.

    Could it be that life was met to be hard? That seem the only way we learn through hard time.

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