    School reunions: How did the last one go? Any surprises?

    Attended the last one five years ago. All of us grew up in the inner city. Nearly all become successful in a variety of professions. Amazing how many have passed. The one comment I heard over and over." Your still nuts".



    +7  Views: 901 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    I've never been invited nor notified about any, they don't bother to look for me............

    ed shank

    Find one or two old friends and get the ball rollin. You'll be the Princess of the ball.

    Very sad...

    I was shocked by how many had passed at such young ages and in various accidents, plane crash, motorcycle accident, boating accident, drowning, not to mention of course, various illnesses.  Also sadly, dozens and dozens of divorces.  Funny, when you're a teenager, you never even think about such things happening.  (Mine was not HS but a long standing very active YMCA)


    Soooo true, Ducka............

    Me too!

    Me too!

    Yup, cancer is an epedemic. My brother's wife has already lost her 2 sisters to it. And her brother had he comitted suicide .

    My class was only 43 people. We were then and still are in contact with other. One of our fellow classmates has taken on the task of collecting all the email addresses and more or less acts as an intermediary for classmate news. Reunions are always warm and rewarding.

    I have never been to one of mine.  I still know my old school friends and the rest of the experience was a total nightmare with the exception of grade three.  I can't bring myself to go back.

    ed shank

    Reunions are a riot, the a**holes became descent people. The quiet ones became a**holes. Go figure. Many of the girls became quite stunning in their mature years. The guys all had a big gut.

    Fish...."LET" When did that happen and why? Fishgirl, fishfry, and now this? Why, I just can't keep track of your adventures. :)

    and the dancing is good. they usaully play songs that were popular when you were in H.S. so girls can still dance with girls, and you can do the line dance.

    fishlet, the 3 years of Jr. High were a nightmare, but H.S. was alot better

    @Ducka... Freed by the aliens... took them quite some time to find me. They were worried about your wing so they didn't let you know about the rescue. How is your wing? Carl is very concerned... You know how he cringes with the thought of pain.

    Went to one.  Skipped one due to a Hurricane. Who knows about the next one.  I guess I'm just not that curious.  We'll see.

    ed shank

    Go to the next one, there's always surprises. I always felt better after the event. Nervous going in, laughing my ass off going home.

    OK...if it doesn't cost too much

    doolittle, the trouble is they DO cost too much, I think. The last one I went to cost $70. per person !!

    Yup! Apparently at the last one they had a weekend long "event"...the reunion was like $150...but they also had a pub night and a picnic too. Apparently the actual reunion was poorly attended (gee, I wonder why-it didn't include a meal...a cash bar and munchies-Outrageous!)

    We held my school reunion between the bar and the funeral parlor, all my friends are either in one or the other..

    I've never been to one, not likely to have a reunion now as i'm sure a lot of them are resting in peace. plus my high school has been demolished to make room for housing, i would have loved to have had one.

    I never went to one. Two months into the freshman year I quit school and went to work, and then joined the Navy at 17. But, every now and then, out of curiousity I run across one on that Classmates.Com website. There's definitely a whole range of stories! One kid murdered his whole family, and another one I just saw on the televison the other day, that is probably on the verge of becoming a's strange sometimes!

    I went to my 20yr and amazed to see how much the men aged but the women looked pretty much the same which was good.  Was disappointed that the same clicks were still in place.  The only students I was really happy to see were my elementary school classmates we all exchanged #'s & still keep in touch. Have not and will not go to another.  But if you have the chance to go to one you should's quite an experience.


    stinky , that's b/c the women who don't look good, don't go to the reunions.
    And yes, at my bros reunion,when he was about 35, he took up with his H.S. friends, just as there had been no time loss. They went out after the reunion to somebody's house.
    At my last reunion, I saw them passing out maps to somebody's house who was in the " in crowd " in H.S.......the cliques are still there. I didn't fit in , b/c my parents wouldn't let me get contact lenses.And boys in my H.S. didn't date girls who wore glasses.They wouldn't let me have a dog or cat either !! :-{}

    Thats a shame Cat, now the girls wear glasses with clear glass because it's fashionable.

    Same here. The elementary friends I spent 8 years with in a little country school. If I were to plan a party with "old friends", they would be on the guest list with few additions.

    Contacts didn't even exist when I went to school and I got glasses at age 8. Guess I was lucky...I had dates...AND a dog!! :)

    When I left high school, I left everyone behind. I've never been to any of the reunions. Never felt the need to.


    Yeah, I stay in touch with about five people from hs. I agree with you I don't feel the need to look up old hs friends. The closest friends I had are still my friends.
    ed shank

    I still see a few of the idiots I ran with. But I do enjoy the reunions. Most have had several wives, different ones at each reunion. Name tags, thank God.

    It was so darn dark in there , I couldn't tell who anybody is. But, if  you go early, you're likely to see people who you recognize and can sit with . One place to really connect with old classmates.....if you're  female is.........the ladies room. That's where all the talkings going on.  :-)

    I only went to the pre-party the night before. It was really cool we had it at a piano bar on Fort Lauderdale Beach. I did have an ex-girlfriend that was surprisingly still into me. I didn't really know how to treat women back in H.S. yet. Took a while to learn that.


    My 40th was in 2010 and I didn't want to go. My class wasn't very close in general.  My best friend and I went to dinner and I talked an elementary school classmate NO ONE had seen in OVER 40 years to dine with us.  It was a great time.  The three of us then hit the reunion (cold sober) for the last 1/2 hour.  We were all greeted like royalty, especially the MIA who everyone thought was dead. Those of us from elementary school (about 12) glommed together and planned a brunch for ourselves the following weekend when Mark was going to be in town from out of state. 
    The high school reunion meant nothing to me.  The elementary reunion the following weekend was outstanding. THOSE people are the ones I enjoy seeing; those people are lifelong friends. 


    Me too!

    Isn't it great to still be able to connect with people who have known you, your whole life? There is nothing to explain...they know.


    I have reconsidered...I would like to go to any of your class reunions and get ultra dramatic when nobody "remembers" me.  That would be fun!!!


    Hahaha, that would be funny.

    A lot of people don't go because they believe that no one will remember them. High school insecurities I guess. :(

    Right, Ducka, but if I went to your reunion the joke would be on them!

    I'm not good at pulling off a prank without laughing my head off but that would be funny!

    After graduation I left the state, not to return for 20 years. When I went to the reunion, I found out there was a rumor going around for years, I was dead. Murdered.It was a H3LL of a shock! They had a good laugh, don't know who started it. I should have dressed up like a zombie and scared a few.

    ed shank

    There were probably a few that wished I was dead. (Beat down). Oddly enough the one major ass beating I got was the one dude I got along with the best at a reunion.

    I'm glad I'm a girl! I never could see the fun in beating a kid up. That could ruin your school years. I was hated, there was a bunch of rich kids that compete with me on grades. We were 50/50. I hung out with a poorer crowd. They made the same grade, just not the income.
    ed shank

    Beating someone for fun is sick. Getting your ass beat for being an idiot is a good life experience. Father had a good dental plan thank God.

    I don't understand, getting beat for being a idiot. Give me an example.

    Never been to one. We dont have highschool reunions in Germany.


    Are you in Germany or did you "just" go to high school there? I have a jr. college friend who graduated high school in Germany; he mentioned that to me. Do you think you'd like to reunite?

    It just is not done there. Yes I did go to school in Germany, but live in the US for over 40 yrs. My very best friend died in a car accident at age 32. She was the sister I never had. Since then I only keep in touch with a few friends and cousins that are still there.

    Went to one,(my 30th),it was ok,seen some old friends,had a good time.My 40th is coming up next year,don't know yet if I'll be going to that one even tho I already got the invite.There were 900 in my class...


    My school barely had 1000. I can't begin to imagine what HS would be like in that setting. Like a little city!

    We had 530 in our class...I met 2 people who went too my HS and never knew them-LOL

    @Bob,in it's hayday this used to be one of the great city's of the country,when I was in high school (71,72,73)there was 3,500 to 4,000 kids in my high school alone.

    Height of the boomers!
    ed shank

    3,500-4,000 people? Rick were talking school reunions, not prison.

    Attended many on regular basis college reunions untill I couldn't because i was oulawed for about 30 years - defector from a former communist country, When I did again at the 45 year reunion the saddest thing was to learn how many have died. The other, the fact that at least five changed beyond recognition. 


    Wow, interesting!

    I did go to one some years ago, some very tedious speakers bragging about their lives and a lot of faces I couldn't recall, the meal was great though!!

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