    stinky feet

    stinky feet

    +1  Views: 886 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Seek professional help.  Stinky feet make for a lonely life.


    SO THATS why l am on my own.

    Now you know!

    LOL..To YOU TWO!!:-))


    soak in soapy water, then rinse in vinegar water.

    Sorry i don't mean to sound naive here but is that a problem you have or just a silly comment ?

    Try washing them?

    Is not good.


    feet need to breathe in clean environments...try cleaning your feet well with soap, water and a scrubber- get between the toes and cut your nails! (all sorts of crud can grow under the nails).  Dry them.  Then put on cotton socks and non-leather shoes.  Don't go bear foot in any shoes that cannot be washed.  Take your shoes and socks off once you get home and re-wash your feet.  Put them in new socks and slippers. (feet can and need to sweat...thus wet or stiff socks at the end of the day)

    Wash all of your socks in hot water (and detergent).  If you have shoes that smell that you cannot wash- place them outside and put goldbond medicated powder in them (and with a socked hand) rub the powder all over the inside of the shoes...the shoe thing is not a guarantee,

    Do not wear socks more than once.  If you notice itchy read bumps that pop like tiny blisters you may have athletes foot- after you wash and dry your feet put the gold bond powder on your feet, then your socks.

    Socks get old and should be replaced after they wear down.

    Avoid leather shoes if your feet smell worse after wearing them.


    Sorry doo but NO SYNTHETIC shoes...leather ONLY and make sure that the leather shoe is NOT lined with plastic or any other synthetic material.

    Hmmm..well, it seemed to work for stnky friends of mine. lol

    Right doo
    To lose the odor takes time also. It doesn't go away quickly. To keep myself from having peeling skin and foot odor I have to wear WHITE COTTON socks. More foot washing than most people, changing socks when work or play creates sweat.

    Yes I have them


    Ask Randy, he has his head in his sock.

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