    they said they would said a copy of my password but they send it to my email which i cant get into

    can you tell me why i was blocked 

    +1  Views: 512 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Sometimes if you make too many attempts to login with wrong information they see it as a hacking attack and block you, sometimes for just hours sometimes you are blocked period . Be helpful to know which email is giving the problem .   Bill


    and delete the emails that are.

    If the mail aounds like sh.., then it most likely is.

    True ,but some folks are attached to their email things . Not my place to say only to say why there is difficulty. I agree with you. Bill

    Number of reasons First perhaps someone has hacked your email to send spam that will get you blocked . Someone has taken your account for their purposes . In Goggle type : contact (enter your email provider ) and send a email stating your problem and ask that they reply to a alternate mail this is why you always have two emails. Good Luck with this ..                  Bill

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