    what can you do for someone else who suffers from depression?

    +2  Views: 695 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Not a thing that will change the situation. Encourage help either my counseling or seeking medical help. This is serious..............

    Depression can result from or come from MANY sources, genetic  and environment or combined..  There is  no 'one fix'.  But the longer help is putoff the worse it gets.  Bin there, dun dat. 

    Depression is very serious  and few people understand it . Medical attention is needed asap. Please seek help or encourage your friend to.

    You can help by listening ,talking to them and as everyone has said get them to see a specialist. They have to find whats causing the problem and deal with that, it's not easy.

    empathize with your friend, acknowledge the problem and listen if they wish to talk, and as others have said medical intervention should be sought, medication and/or specialized help is the way to go

    'Else'???  Are you also experiencing depression??    A person experiencing depression must find out what is causing the depression--. the solution to depression is not the person, the solution to depression is to find the problem and fix it.

    talking and listening is good therapy.

    You can't talk them out of it. You can't push it away with love and affection, and you can't make them shrug it off. In short, you can't cure them. The best you can do to help, is to do just that. Help them with whatever needs doing while they are in the throes.Maybe it is time for them to seek professional help and start some medication.

    Get them to medical or professional help.

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