    what does mean "screw it"

    according to 1.some situation 2.some people

    +1  Views: 689 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Bugger it! Damn it! Forget about it! It's not gunna happen!

    It means forget it. 

    1.  Forget about it.  Let it go.  Not worth my time.  Insignificant.  Leave it alone. 
    2.  "I don't like you, not one thing about you. I don't want anything to do with you.  Forget you, Go away.  You aren't worth my time.  You are insignificant in my life. You aren't going to get me to argue with you."     And quite often, when you are referring to a person, you say  "screw you" when you can't think of an intelligent thing to say in response to what that person has said or done.  It's a sign that you are really angry or upset and an intelligent remark isn't coming to mind.  

    It is slang for a prison guard or a person who is appointed by the prison authorities to guard prisoners. To screw also means to turn (something) like a screw. It is one of the simple machines. It is a simple machine of the inclined plane type. It consists of a spirally-threaded cylindrical rod which engages within a similarly threaded hole.

    A screw is also defined as propeller which has several angled blades. When these blades rotate, they push against water or air. They cause to penetrate into something, as in a circular motion. A screw is a fastener that has a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head. To screw (something) is to tighten or fasten it by means of screwing motions.  To screw also means to cheat or to defeat someone in an expectation by using unfair means, such as trickery or defeat. Anonymous


    Umbriel thank you very interesting! x

    Oh, never mind...........

    Oh forget it....I'm done...never mind....who's over...why bother....etc etc etc

    "Frankly my dear, I don't give a ...................."     (you fill in the blank)


    Right... :)

    to turn in a clockwise motion

    ans:-a short,slender,sharp-pointed metal pin with a raised helical thread running around it & a slotted head,used to join things together by being rotated in under pressure. 


    1. to fasten with a screw (it)  2. to extort (Paul  screwed a promise out of John)

    I think it means, "Forget the whole darn thing."

    "screw it" indicates the giving up of a person. it is when one's state of mind is now aggravated and angrey of a subject or item, making them no longer care of the topic at all.

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