    I have a 7 year old child that loves to argue and fight and take from others that dose not belong to her she is biopolar ADHD compuslive disorder and medical as well she takes about 7 different types of mediciane I can not reach her what do you recomend

    She is back in the intracare hosiptal for short term and it dose not work 2 weeks is not enough time she is SSI what can I do and is their a place that can help her with this

    +2  Views: 261 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Wow there is a lot going on for this little girl, has she been assesed thoroughly by a childrens paedatrician?Have you tried behaviour management strategies?You say she has attended short term hospital treatment, surely the doctors there would have given you information on what direction you should take for her management.I would be asking for a review on her medication and maybe a re-assesment from another doctor.


    Very good answer!

    How could lay people possibly fix what the Doctor cannot ? Some thoughts here I would look for some support groups on line .Type every possible combination of  Parents of children with ADHD  into Goggle and see what you get . This sounds so very difficult and your life must be hard no doubt . You must become a "PROFESSOR"  of this disease by educating your self reading all there is on the subject .You are not alone many others have children with this ,collectively with shared knowledge you may find some relief. Beyond this I have nothing else to offer and that makes me sad ,wish there was more . I could do some of this work for you ,but that would really be of no help . You must approach your keyboard with only one thought and some resolve . I am not alone ,others are dealing with this and I want answers ! The best and most helpful answers come from those who are dealing with the same issues as yourself,so I would be drawing on their experience . I will offer some prayers for you and yours and beyond that I can offer no solution .Perhaps the others will have different life experiences than I. Best of luck !!! Bill


    You have great insight and are truly caring.

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