    When I will make a sucsessfull man.

    +3  Views: 714 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    When you will achieve your goals and targets

    If you ever find that man, ask if he has a brother, Im looking also.

    What do you class as sucessful?

    One who is rich and rides rough shod over people or one that is poor but helps and respects others?

    The last one is a bit like me but I am also modest.

    Perhaps at the hotel Hilton....

    Success generally means financial security in a universal way.   If you're going to judge success by the amount of money you make, you will probably never feel successful.  People tend to want more than they have. (Not all people, but far too many)

    Are you cloning men? I haven't made a successful woman yet, they sort of flop around.

    Success is the endeavor to set goals and objectives in life and achieve things beyond other people's expectations, but more importantly, yours.

    A successful man is one who raises a happy godly family and is there for them, always.

    Watch the  movie "Courageous"

    You don't make a successful men , either he is or isn't . A successful men usually has a successful women with him.

    To thine own self be true ! Read OG -MANDINOS " Worlds Greatest Salesman " Watch Mr. HOLLAND'S OPUS When these things are done you will answer this for yourself . You must believe in something or you will fall for anything . Why not believe in yourself? Yes if you care enough to ask this I believe you will be a fine man . Know this, like any fine creation , Harley's boats ,planes ,fine homes ,classic cars ,they dont just spring from thin air ,many hours are spent before these things are ready and so it will be with you . That is my answer ,now the work begins and that is solely up to you to create something .  Good Luck .    Bill

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