    Without going to the dictionary to look it up can you describe in your own words what exactly a ANARCHIST is you own defination Please

    +5  Views: 647 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    If I remember right it is a federation in the UK and the other meaning is a person you has nothing to do with society and thrives on violence and basically would like destoy mankind


    Good answer. Also they are apparently unknowingly selfish. They have to suck the blood out of a structured society to survive. Anarchy is not self sustaining.

    "You talking about Romos WEE Fleas Shame on you Caddam."Romos "Bite him"

    caddam oh I didnt know they were selfish as well though it does make alot of sense now you have explained it thanks xooxox

    In my understanding of the subject, there is no possible way any one can be a true Anarchist as there must be one rule that each and every person adheres to. 

    For example ... always using the rest room that pertains to one's gender.  A true Anarchist would never ever use the restroom that pertained to his or her gender but, "Oh my goodness!"... I have just invented a new rule about not using the restroom that pertains to my gender and now I must in fact use the correct restroom... Now I am not an Anarchist.

    The very simple rule of stopping at a red light in order not to be killed in a horrible accident by another vehicle  The  red light is telling you to stop... if you are saving your own life then you are obeying the red light... therefore Anarchy is out the window... in the trash-can and now is waiting to be taken away by a Public Works Union Employee... There is no such thing as true Anarchy... ever.

    Anarchy is completely unrealistic within the individual human being as we as human beings (even myself) need order.   The very nature of our human psyche needs some sort of order not chaos in order for us to thrive in a healthy manner.

    Anarchy on the whole for society is completely unrealistic because the concept makes not one spit of sense... It can not be accomplished as within each and every one of us there must be connections to another human being or we become sick.   A society based upon anarchy would not raise and nurture the child.  There would be no respect nor love nor even the simple task of growing a vegetable which requires in essence, a certain amount of rules.

    An Anarchist is someone who just can't be.  It is impossible... no matter what the dictionary says.  It is not only about violence and not adhering to rules it is about destruction but in the very subject of destruction there are rules that must be applied... what are you going to do with all the debris?  It has to go somewhere... Union Employee!

    My understanding of an anarchist in relation to anarchy, which the term stems from, would be an individual who believes in or promotes chaos over social order. I believe they would defy and despise any form of government rather than willingly conform, fit in, or contribute to any form of social structure. The essential "rebel without a clue," although they would espouse they're anything other than that. 

    The -ist part is a person who beleives in an unruled, or rule-less culture. Anarchist is a term most frequently applied to those who see lawlessness as preferred over an orderly society. Of course a disordered culture is chaos and where as an anarchist would be a person who defies civil authority to impose their own view except for the fact that the term does not imply that they would rule either. So the only conclusion is that the anarchist is suicidal if not merely rebellious of order. Perhaps this is why the term is falling into disuse.   

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