    Is your screen bouncing back up to the top of page when you TU?

    It would seem there is something wrong again?

    +11  Views: 1030 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    This is frustrating... I can't click on anything without being bounced right back up to the top... grrr.:(

    17 Answers

    I will be back when this problem is gone... augh!


    Perhaps your computer got one of those G spots i been reading about.

    That's for the cloud... The bouncing is gone and you are hilarious.

    did you do anything to fix it?

    Defragged and let the computer sleep for about eight hours. Our internet has been in and out because of weather...

    It's all that water in your bottle.  Could you dump some of it out without depriving yourself too much?


    I am texting you the bounce is happening here as well.

    iPhone's are cool. :)

    I am back in the swim however, I am being chased by the KOTF and now... Umbriel is speaking about anchovy sauce. Goodness knows what is to become of moi!

    KOTF may look all innocent and lovely in the kilt and the socks but nooooooooooo it's all about the vinegar!

    Oh yes... I have been in stealth mode for days!
    This is too strange. Ducka if a td appears I did not mean for that to happen.

    It did...First I got the TU and then the TD. Get your computer OUT OF THE WATER...quick!!

    Now, I got the TU again...please don't drown fishy!

    I hope you are not having another calamity..first you were on fire and had NOT ENOUGH I'm afraid that you have TOO MUCH water! Oh fishy, whatever could we do for you? (It's annoying isn't it?)

    Always, always in some kind of (hot) water!!

    So now, besides watching out for C, we also have to watch out for KOTF?

    I know some sea creatures "beach" themselves when in distress. Are you feeling well my dear?


    ptht ptht... I have thand in my mouth...ptht

    Not me fish fry, maybe you jinxed the system...



    It's the Aliens... It bounces back to the top when I click on anything at all.
    Have a glorious day Daren... This bouncy thing is not fun. :(

    i'm sure you'll be on track soon..

    No, everything is working fine so far.

    No, the only problem I'm having is people getting my thanks when all I did was plain old TU's............

    This is the reason I didn't TU too much from my work computer. From my home computer - on weakends only - I do not have this problem. On this base I'd say it is not an akaqa problem.


    Then I have to wonder why it is happening on my I-phone as well... curious.

    Fish Fry this happened about two months ago and I put up with it for nearly two months and now its fine it use to drive me mad even now when I make a comment it bounces back to the top I dont know wether thats the norm! but I know what you are going through its soooo annoying lets hope thay sort it ot quick ! x

    Mine's been bouncing for months.


    Mine too

    I was told to re-boot... I have no idea if it is a freak of nature or the comuputer just needed a rest but the bouncing has vanished.

    Mine's still bouncing.

    May be its windows, my Apple is fine, Fish are you on the Akaqa site using an i phone.


    I did use my i phone yesterday... The lap top thing was driving me crazy. Now I need an i pad... See how it works. Technology has me in it's clutches.

    Fish Fry, the new i pad is the way to go.

    This is happening to me too , turn out when I would hit the space bar my thumb would touch pad on the laptop and make the whole page go away,and had to start all over again.Maybe Fish Fry your tail is getting in the way, hitting the pap?

    Mine is doing fine.......{:D

    In past, when I clicked on TU, screen used to bounce. In end, the Monitor used to take at least one hour to open. Now I have new Monitor, all problems are gone.

    This just started to happen to me today. Frustrating.


    I cleaned the computer and turned it off for eight hours... the bouncing stopped.

    I shall give it a try. Thanks Fish Fry!

    Fish Fry -Your suggestion worked! Thanks ever so much.

    Yes, I think it has something to do with the new adds they've put on the website, as it has caused delays and jumping in the past.

    I've also noticed I have to hold in my left click button for my thumbs up to register for a little longer than usual.


    Thanks leeroy.

    No problemo, ff

    My screen is still bouncing...

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