    John, Paul, George, and Herman sit around a square table with eight chairs, which are equally distributed. Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice join them at the table.

    +1  Views: 5360 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    AHHH Do you understand, now???

    18 Answers

    As the eight diners were getting comfortably settled into the dark suede chairs, the lights of the chandelier, suddenly went dim.  The breeze from the screened in porch felt cool, and the sweet aroma of garden lillies, wafted into the quiet room.


    Then some "bugger farted and spoiled a good evening

    ...and ruined the sweet aroma of garden lillies... :(

    party pooper!

    Suddenly a shot rang out and glass shattered. The lights flickered once again and the room became illuminated. George's head lay on the table as a puddle of blood spread across the shiny surface. Across from him Alice slumped in her chair, her head thrown back from the bullet that pierced her forehead. A mirror on the wall behind her lay in shards on the floor.

    "Oh no, I can't take it anymore", screamed someone, from the direction of the basement.

    Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice faint!  Herman gets another chair and everyone  begins to laugh!

    Bob pours wine and they toast.

    What happens next?


    They all sit down and drink the wine

    Bob, Carol,Ted and Alice, as we know from the movie, are swingers soooooooo, the four dudes smile anticipating the event !


    Five guys or did Herman leave?

    John George and Paul begin to suspect that Herman might have slipped something into the drinks.

    been married to Professor Plum in a past life.  It was true!  Her soul mate...Of course the octopus knew all about this as the octopus has ESP and the power of Mind Meld... as a side gig the octopus has a little shop on the corner of Broadway and Jenkins... called "Mind-o-Rama" ... Last week Miss Peacock came in for a reading as it was 2 for 1 week... a 15th Anniversary special... Her cousin Jo-Jo was the other half of the 2 for 1.  Jo-Jo is now on a spiritual quest through India in search of ancient alien ruins.

    Suddenly Herman declared................................ 

    Bob and Ted began discussing the worth of the Iraqi dinar ... which was a bit of a downer as the octopus in the bottle owned many that she keeps in a little plastic bag right next to the Tylenol in her medicine cabinet.  The octopus began to ponder... why? why> why? when all of a sudden she spotted Professor Plum lurking in the lillies.........................................................

    inside he was plotting... he is secretly married to Miss Peacock who is no Miss at all... and we are very well educated in the stories of Miss Peacock... Herman is a baddie!!!

    They all ignored Dowsa's comment ... it didn't happen... John brought out his guitar and began playing.

    The octopus in the jar began singing... the sound was so beautiful, the audience became mesmerized.

    Finally the "Crazy 8" were together again!  It had been 15 years since the  accident happened & only Ted and Alice remained in touch, eventually having wed and become the proud parents of 9 children.  But now they were together again George tapped the keg and Herman prepared the tequila shots. A party of mass proportions was about to begin when Doolittle, a friend of Ringos popped in to ask if anyone had seen the duck billed platypus or leprocy carrying armadilla......


    Under her arm she carried a glass jar with the cutest octopus inside.

    A small octupus mind you, which strangely, had some characteristics of a shrimp.

    A small but beautiful octopus.

    "This is My friend Squishy Fishy" the Best Octupus you will ever
    meet! The 8+ Ringo, Doo, and S.Fishy sat at the now crowded table ready to do tequilla shot shtw when there was a knock on the door...

    Why who could that be? They weren't expecting any other guests. Besides, dinner was burning in the oven and had to come out NOW! No time to answer the door. They decided to ignore the knocking!

    But John, the friendly one, could not stand the idea of not opening the door and when he did...

    Bob placed and engagement ring in Alice's glass and then realized that Carol was drinking out of Alice's glass.... Paul quickly asked Carol to marry him before Bob could claim the ring as his own.... Bob and Paul are no longer friends... And Alice broke up with Bob because he has commitment issues.

    Miss peacock who had miraculously appeared from nowhere was actually infatuated with the armadillo, the platipus was lurking in the corner listening in to their plotting when....................

    The duck billed platypus began to hum along when John played his guitar, the armadillo meanwhile was secretly spreading the leprosy virus, would this be the end of the party? Herman was unusually solemn however...................................

    Ringo pops his head through the door and asks, Hey! did you forget about my invite guys?

    What about the billiard room?


    Oh my gosh! Who's in there? What's in there? When is out here....

    Does anyone have a rope to capture the many legged octo?

    I'm incognito... you will never know it's me... ha!

    Sargent Pepper slipped into the room and said"Let the games begin!"

    Miss Peacock began to ponder the merits of professor Plum,she might be having second thoughts, did she really want the armadillo, did the platipus want her, did she really exist, what the hell is going on in my life , do I need this , and then from nowhere it came to her she,d....................................................................

    Oh no, thought Ted as he sat alone in the corner.  Whatever is happening to our lovely dinner plans?  I just can't bear much more....dinner is burning....Bob has commitment issues....the octopus will soon be captured....someone's in the billiard room...another is knocking at the door...I think I'll just run down the street to Mind-O-Rama for an hour....they can figure out this mess!!!!!!

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