    Have You Donated Any Body Organs?

    +5  Views: 1258 Answers: 18 Posted: 13 years ago

    18 Answers

    No currently I need them myself but I am on the Organ Donor List plus it is in my will and all my children know my wishes.

     It appears that legaly your off spring can veto donations on the grounds they did not know.

    The trouble is my bits and pieces will be pretty worthless the way I am going.

    I donated everything except my skin, even I can`t come at the thought of being skinned.


    I've never really thought of it as a donation, in fact the whole thing is a bit skewiff, sorry if I offend anyone.
    Although I do know others who are on the or
    gandonorslist, only time will tell, I guess.

    No not yet but it is on my driver's licence to do so.

    no but i unwillingly donated blood a few times..

    Apparently they took a part of my brain during my last surgery!  This Tuesday I am brining in a I have a fly on the OR wall when they work on me!  Said fly has been given spyware!


    I hope all goes well for you.
    Make sure your fly is up before they begin.

    Thanks figgie

    Their all shot. Like I said before hungry buzzards wouldn't eat me. Perhaps my finger nails.

    Anything anybody wants after I've died they are more than welcomed to it but as I understand it, it cost money to donate one's body.  Happened to a friend of mine................


    I wasn't aware of the cost. May be transportation and storage cost.

    Not lately..

    Have you figtree?


    No, but there have been times when I've wanted to. Then there are times when I don't agree with the whole business.
    I usually end the debate with the thought that helping people is most important,but a person would really have to be compelled wouldn't they? If still alive?

    Offered my "Brain as my best organ .They tested me ,and said sorry "Why I cried "Um you don't have one .Well not human :Smirk your ancestor must have been a monkey .The wife remarked I could have told you that. 

    Here in France you have to opt out of organ donation  a sensible system in my view. Strangely though the French will not take British donor's blood as they are worried about Kreutzfeld Jacob disease being transmitted.

    I tried to give someone my heart, but it was broken so they didn't want it.

    Nope and I aims to keep it that way.

    Apparently they took a part of my brain during my last surgery!  This Tuesday I am brining in a I have a fly on the OR wall when they work on me!  Said fly has been given spyware!


    I DONT THINK MY ORGANS WOULD BE MUCH GOOD. ive had too many illnesses for that.

    My ex told me many years ago  that I should have waited to die before I donated my brain.  What's wrong with you?  I told her I didn't need it anymore, she made all the decisions.  She said,  'forget I said anything'.


    As if you could remember!

    Yes, matter of fact  I donated my ass to Uncle Sam for two years. 68-70 your spirit wears a well worn jacket. I pray for you, for peace of mind and strength of faith.

    Thank you Velma.

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