    How do you break a dog from.......

    thinking your basement is a bathroom?

    I'm remodeling my basement to make a party room and my dogs come down with me and pee or poo on the floor at least every other day, they are trained not to go in the main house and bark when they need to go out, but I believe they think the basement is outside?

    +3  Views: 902 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    I don't know! My male dog is doing the same thing... marking the spot before the new floors go down?

    11 Answers

    Nice try Randy.I would recognize you anywhere!

    Headless Man

    Yea, what gave me

    How come you are using an alias? LOL
    Headless Man

    Just changed my name to be more descriptive.

    I think that (like dopey said) it has something to do with the upcoming party.  I'm not sure if they're marking their territory or just plain excited about it.  Move that toilet paper out of there and maybe they'll follow it!

    Headless Man

    LOL,I even clean it up with a hard surface cleaner that is suppose to hide the odors.

    So funny Ducky - I think it's also a new place an adventure for them - Randy they won't care about the smell - they'll just move around - they just have to know this is not for them. I don't like all these sprays and things re animals but there is a spray to deter foxes whose poo smells awful perhaps being of the same family if you sprayed the basement with this - it doesn't smell unpleasant - the tenants upstairs used it under the archway we have - this may deter them.

    I think you are right Randy... it could be the concrete.  My dogs are indoor/outdoor dogs and should know better but my male is down those stairs every chance he gets and does a dirty deed.  This makes me crazy and on top of that ... He did it in the bathroom as we were remodeling it. 

    Headless Man

    Maybe they don't like

    Cut off it's head and put it under his arm.. just kidding, our cat does the same thing , now that's it winter he's a bit confused why not just shut the door or walk him..

    Headless Man

    I can't walk her my wife does that, but I had let her out not more than :30 before and she walks herself till she go's but wants to go in the basement it wasn't like she had to go she wanted to go.

    our cat does the same thing, perhaps their both just getting old and confused..

    Maybe it's the door. They think they are outside.


    yeah I guess - they go through the door to a concrete environment and it is logical especially as having seen now that they are inhouse and in his bedroom = we are outside aren't we or are we? Well this is new.I am sure they are just marking territory - There used to be an undoctored cat that came in here and went around spraying everywhere. There is yet another one I haven't seen before who comes through the window - he's been doctor but talk about curiosity - he rubs everything even me and has a good walkabout - fortunately no problem with the two cats I have at the moment. He's just saying this is new and I am here guys just letting you know.

    Hold on Randy - doesn't the basement have a door? If not perhaps you could get one of those expandable child gates - don't think they would jump over it. I guess you trained them to follow you - tell them not to, or keep it cordened off. Praise them when you come up give food perhaps and show where is OUT. Are you kidding or what - you know how to do this. Although you spoil those girlies no poo and pee would be good here.. Perhaps also they are marking their territory ready for the party. 

    Headless Man

    Yes, there is a door but I guess I was wondering if anyone thought the concrete floor made the difference.
    If I'm down there more than an hour I have to go.........

    Maybe - this would explain why they think it is outdoors. I live in the basement and have a concrete floor - in the lounge - front room whatever, would you believe it really is partly concrete had to take carpet up due to floor from tenants upstairs - entire flat a comparative slum really - didn't make much difference to the cats. However, you will when you have finished your design presumably carpet it - You are maybe right makes sense the concrete bit they would feel this was an OK place to poo and pee but I do not think it affects the bladder only perhaps if it is somewhat damp but I doubt that in Aussie - for the little angels. My neighbour has four dogs, small garden and his basement is all dark dismal and concrete and he visits it ofen, prostate problem - you needed to know that, but the dogs never go there - he does close the door on the ground floor though and I guess they have never ventured there. You'll manage - just know it!
    Hey Randy are you OK - usually such a cool guy coming across so concerned and worried? You are right too they may not like the change perhaps they think you are all moving.It will change when you have finished your project.

    Since your dogs are not allowed in the main house, so where do they stay? If they are living outside, to be inside with you in the basement might be confusing for them. Or they might be afraid to let you know they have to go outside, when you are busy? Those are big dogs and they need exercise. Something seems to confuse them. It could very well be the concrete floor.

    Headless Man

    I said their trained in the main house and should know the difference from the basement and outside.
    They live inside and sleep in our bedroom.

    I think its the concrete floor

    Does anyone think the concrete floor mades the difference. If I'm down there more than an hour I have to go......... The shop is the same way(concrete floor) if I'm out there more than an hour, back to the house I come.


    I think concrete pulls gravity down faster than wood. That might be it. But the doorway thing is better. LOL

    yeah maybe the cold from the concrete makes you want to go - concrete may also contain moisture - maybe not over there though.

    Maybe they are watching the trainer?

    Headless Man

    This is a serious question and you make fun of me

    Sorry could not resist.

    I still think it's the doorway. Every time you enter a new portal your brain changes. This could also be true for dogs!


    So, should Randy "beam" the dogs back upstairs?..had to ask..your answer read a little sci-fi to me.
    Headless Man

    Her brain don't change anywhere else in the house she can open the doors.

    No sweetie I've just read about -if you forget what you went into the other room for- as in forgetting your quest- that it has to do with entering other portals. Thus the doorway.For doolittle

    is she going down the stairs as in outside?
    Headless Man

    I forget what I got up for, I think it's old age and

    Headless man,Randy, I'm just giving you new thoughts! XXX

    Headless Man now has his head spinning. I hope he doesn't drop it on that concrete floor!

    You'll only need to worry if you put your head down for a while. The dog may lift it's leg on it and then you'll really stink.

    Headless Man

    This is a serious question and you make fun of

    You could take a picture of the dog lifting its leg...

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