    what are the main reason for doing research?

    +2  Views: 692 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Generally speaking, the real purpose of conducting a research is to gain new things and gather evidence.

    I would have to say in light of today's world nothing but wasting our tax dollars in the grants they get for them.

    Imagine what would happen if all the doctors and scientist did no research? Many people today would not be alive but for their research.

    Were you brought up in a closet that you were never let out of or something? The answer is fairly obvious and self evident isn't it? On questions as basic as this is, you should be figuring it out by yourself...the enlightenment of the moment of discovery will do much for that growing and inquisitive mind of yours. It really will feel the empowering accomplishment and resulting confidence of having done it yourself.

    Most doctors are too busy to research and see patients so as a patient it would be most prudent of you to study on your own and wise up your doc when you visit. Having time to do some research is what everyone needs to do but in fact cannot. I research everything that interests  me and I study for others also. We do this here when we answer questions others need advice on. Increasingly the whole world is doing this and I’m glad to contribute to our collective benefit in this simple way. 

    Most doctors are too busy to research and see patients so as a patient it would be most prudent of you to study on your own and wise up your doc when you visit. Having time to do some research is what everyone needs to do but in fact cannot. I research everything that interests  me and I study for others also. We do this here when we answer questions others need advice on. Increasingly the whole world is doing this and I’m glad to contribute to our collective benefit in this simple way. 

    Research are constantly being done for improve our health and to clean our environment. also education is a valuable asset to a better living stander.

    Research are constantly being done for improve our health and to clean our environment. also education is a valuable asset to a better living stander.

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