    Most embarrassing moment in High School?

    This doesn't have to be YOUR moment; it could be some other poor kid's social demise.

    +3  Views: 1622 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    Those are the best! LOL

    12 Answers

    I felt sorry for one girl,  she was overweight, it was lunch time and the garbage truck was taking the big dumpster bin away for emptying and replacing an unused one in its place.One of the smart a**e boys yelled out, DON'T TAKE THAT BIN AWAY, it is "Michelles lunch box".


    Teenagers can be so cruel.

    If you haven't forgotten that, you can bet neither has Michelle. :( Thank you for responding, pythonlover.

    I would feel sorry for her also because that's abusive behavior.

    LMAO Michelle never did forgive me for that. :)

    I was so shy in high school it would have to be every day. One of the worst was a day in English class, having a "brain freeze" I used the word death instead of deaf. My bi**h of a teacher called me out on it and (in front of the class) berated me and made me walk across the room to look it up in the dictionary. She's long dead but I hate her still.


    Sad :(

    Awwwww. :(

    I can completely sympathize and empathize with you. My 3rd grade teacher humiliated me one day in front of my class. She died during Christmas break and to this day I feel that she had it coming. I'd sure like to dump this baggage! Thank you for your answer, Flip.

    Perhaps it was at my high school graduation when no one from my family showed up, no not one...


    Sad. That is something you will always remember.

    I'm well over it, but you right it is something that stays with you forever..

    Thank you for sharing this with us, daren1. I'd like to think every one of us who lived withing driving distance would show up for you today. I would.

    Thanks bobby..

    I had an experience similar to that... after the ceremonys were over, I went to the lobby and my parents adn my brother never showed up. Everybody else's parents were hugging them,etc. When almost everybody had left, my family came into the lobby and were excitedly telling me that my dad's best friend and his wife were there in the audience. So, that's where they were .... down there talking to him and his wife. Then never said anything about my efforts or achievements; and I had a rought time in H.S. and a nervous breakdown at the end of my junior year.

    Sad. :(

    Honey I think we should have a graduation party for you... I will throw it.. you are worth it!!!!

    That hurts. :(

    I changed courses, so ended up in a class where I knew absolutely no one!!  On the third day, there was an election for class representative.  My name was put forth, they had the election and, surprisingly to me, I received 5 votes.  I didn't win of course but was rather proud, since I was definitely "the new kid'.  My teacher, however, in front of the whole class, berated me for "only getting 5 votes"!   (What?)  She told me that I should be embarrassed by that, it's shameful to be chosen by only 5 classmates, you need to consider why that is, blah, blah, blah. I was so shy that I just sat there and didn't say a word nor explain that I was new to this group.  I still wonder to this day what on earth that was about!  Odd, at the end of her course, she took me aside and told me that she had SO enjoyed having me in her class!      (Huh?)     Probably because I kept my mouth shut....making up for it now!!!!     :)


    That is abusive.. Thank God you are not my child.. I would be in jail.... You poor thing. I want to look her up right now and give her a piece of my mind...

    Rules to live by if you dont want me to loss my shit on you.....
    #1 Dont mess with kids
    #2 Dont mess with Elderly
    #3 Dont mess with animals.....

    She was a cranky old woman who rarely smiled and at the same time, a teacher who was very willing to help students with their work. Everyone from that school who had her as a teacher, admits to learning lots from her.

    Your shyness allowed you to take the high road, Ducky.
    Possibly her comment at the end of term was an awkward attempt to make up for her stupidity. I don't know if these experiences make us "the better for it"....I could have done without the crap I went through with teachers. Thanks for your answer, Ducky.

    Jumped out the window split my pants from the waistband to the zip all the way round at the school disco.

    Waited so long for a pee I couldn't get my willy out fast enough and peed down my leg .

    Spelt Organism Orgasm and had the teacher read it out to the whole class.

    Take your pick.




    Why don't you have your own sitcom? Thanks, dunc. You are an original! :D

    your welcome

    I hope you're over the pain..look at it this gave me a belly laugh first thing this morning and this is the second time that I've read your response! Sorry but..LOL...but sorry...but LOL but....

    There were many, but the one that happened everyday in my sophmore year was that they just HAD to give me swimming 1st hour and thus my hair was ruined for the rest of the day. The embarrassing moment that occured everyday was that in my last class, the boy behind me would pull on the hairs on the nape of my neck and say  " What is this ? "     " What do you call this ? ! "  --- meaning my ruined hairstyle I had since 8:30am. . Then, my teacher moved me across the room, and the same boy would loudly whisper my name in a loud stage whisper......calling everybody's attention to me.


    Mean guy!! He probably had a crush on you.

    What a jerk! And, like Ducky said, probably had the hots for you...kept getting attention from you, negative as it was. My son had a no-fail way of getting a pesky girl to stop teasing him. Tell you about it later!
    What ever happened to that guy???

    By 10th grade I couldnt care less about what ppl in HS thought of me... I had a career in the city and HS drama was not worth my time.

    In 8th grade I was giving an oral presentation in front of the class when a long string of snot was dangling in front of my face... I had no idea until i sniffed and it slung back and slapped the side of my face..... Mortified!!!!!!


    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Oops sorry)

    I can look back at it a see the humor... It is a one of a kind memory.. And I am greatful I have it....
    Glad you could enjoy it too.

    Those moments are NOT funny at the time. Read on.

    I guess it is stuff like that keeps us humble. Most of us had something like that happen as a kid but were lucky enough to 'snot' be in front of our peers. (I'm sorry, couldn't help myself there) Seems like you put that behind you with no harm done. Thank you, Jenn.
    What was your career? Modeling, acting?

    Stripping... LOL... just kidding... But also not important... Thanks for asking.. it is nice to know you were interested.

    I did not mean for that to come across as rude as it sounds..... There is a stigma that comes with everyones profession whether you are a doctor, lawyer, electritian, actor, model.....
    I like to be judge by the content of my charactor not the false illusions of a stereotype.
    I try to live in the present and appreciate my past. But try not to share details unless it is pertinant.

    LOL Sorry to laugh, but the snot story was funny ! :-D

    So, Jenn, you mean you dropped out and worked in the city during your H.S. years? That's kinda cool that you were making money a that age and becoming more sophisticated than the school kids.I wanted to drop out, but my parents wouldn't let me.

    Oh no.. I was going to High full time, college part time and working a challenging work schedule nights/weekends... It took some dedication and a love of what I was doing but... I saved enough to put a down payment on the construction of my home at 19...
    I moved to GA before I finished college.. and my credits would not transfer.... Life has a funny way of working out as it should.. I am a very happy stay at home mom and part time teacher. lol nothing like I had planned in HS

    I was in the ninth grade. I was sitting in an English class letting my mind wander and not paying attention to anything the teacher was saying. I started thinking about a certain girl in class and was getting "aroused".

    The teacher suddenly asked me a question knowing full well I was not paying attention to her. When I told her I didn't know the answer she told me to STAND UP. She had no clue what was going on down there at the time but she was looking to make an example out of me to the class and wanted me to stand up. I did and the whole class saw my WINKIE making itself known to the world.

    I could have died. That sucker would not go down either.  :(


    So sorry for you! Do you still that "problem"!? Hahaha :-}

    Depends on what I'm looking at ON LINE ;)

    My son and nephew have issues with this... I know it is embarrassing... I had to pick up my nephew from school he would not go back to class....

    The thing has a mind of its own. :)

    Just being 13/14 years old isn't "hard" enough! I don't get why teachers had to turn a spotlight on us like that. :o

    Jr. High was worse. was 3 years of hell. Nowdays they call it  middle school

    I was in shop class and was working on a project. The bell rang for the next class the teacher left and said don't be late for your class.  I was putting away some linseed oil and I spilt the can and it hit right at my belt and run down both legs, well you know what it looked like.

    I cleaned up the mess and went to class thinking the teacher would ask what happened and I could explain and go home and change.

    Well being the creep he was he said "couldn't hold it Randy" well sit down and don't crap too.


    OMG!! How do these teachers seem to have no compassion for our pitiful young and inexperienced selves?!

    How humiliating...sounds like bullying to me.
    Headless Man

    He didn't like me for some reason, only thing I could think of was he had my brother

    BEEN there,....had an older brother that was a problem to teachers, and thus it was always brought up to me, if it was an issue, at the beginning of the year that I was "a sibling of .....", even though we were extremely different, I was affected, drastically!!

    NOTHING that happened to me in HS compares to this. Your teacher was even more disgusting than some of mine.
    You may have hit on something with the connection to your brother having been in class before you!!

    I certainly had my share being a bit overweight {I look back now and see how pretty I actually was. I know of countless men now that truly appreciate a fuller figure),  and I was painfully shy!  A bad combination in high school.  I don't care to recall any of those horrible events here, I find these difficult experiences just a little depressing to read as I can feel the discomfort or anguish in them!  :-p


    When you're in high school, everyone else seems so cool and problem-free but it sure is a different picture, listening to others talk about their personal experiences. :(

    Yes, michmar118, I agree with you about everything you said. Sharing some of the horrible event of HS isn't something I'd be brave enough to do. I don't want to lose my memory, but those four years didn't have a positive effect on me in the least.

    I pissed off my 10th grade math teacher, caught me cheating on a test. I sat with my back against a window which was about 18 inches off the floor and about 8 feet tall. The teacher grabbed me by the throat and the next thing I know I'm hanging on to a flag pole on the outside of the building on the second floor. I could hear the class laughing hysterically. The teacher almost s*** himself as he must have realized that he over reacted. After I was pulled back into the class I realized that I pissed myself. Never heard the end of that. I was known as superman for the duration of my time in school.


    Teachers, at one time, could just grab kids and throw them around the classroom! The principal at our high school, was notorious for grabbing the boys by the throat and flinging them against the wall, for all kinds of reasons. That was his "style". (ugh)

    Is the end result good or bad?? Can't be good in my book. Middle/High school is horrible by most peoples standards. AND that was So many years ago! I want to move on.............

    Most of the teachers we're reading about would be arrested if they pulled these stunts on a kid today...and rightly so.
    ed shank

    Yes, today they would be arrested. However, certain teachers were not be F***** with, and we obliged them. I attended and all boys school, and we were treated rather harshly. Tolerance for BS, zero.

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