    what do you do when someone doesn't want to go out with you?

    i am thinking about asking someone out, but i'm afraid they'll say no.

    +2  Views: 1018 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    What is the worst thing that could happen?  The person may say "no", and then?

    Anyone who has ever asked another person out has run the same risk. You're not alone in this. If this person says no, all it does is kill your fantasies. You will recover and move on.  

    You won't know what the answer is if you don't ask.  Sometimes it is better to just hang out in a crowd and see how things move forward.

    Good luck.

    No big deal, like fishing, You troll until you get a bite!  If you constantly focus on one fish, the rest will swim by..  Asking a person out and them refusing is not failure its entertainment! In my younger years i found that you will have more fun bouncing around from one to another and that one you really like will start working on you because you ignore her.

    You,re going to get a lot of NO in your life, hopefully this might not be one, if it is learn from it,it,s not the end of anything, just the beginning of the rest of your life. HAVE FUN, GOOD LUCK.

    You can only get a yes or no answer, so ask!  If the person says no then move on but if the answer is yes then think how great that is. Life is learning and life is about changes. If you see life as good and always seek out the good then you shall have a wonderful life. It's your journey and you're the Captain - Enjoy!

    Learn and Live!!  Experience is the best lesson ever learned!!!

    If you don't ask, you'll always have that little question nagging at you..".What if I had asked."  

    Shootah you have any Doots?

    7 brand new ones, 2 from last year, and a couple in storage.

    I keep my old ones in the keeps 'em fresher longer.

    All the answers are good, but if you're still in school sometimes having a mutual friend tell him/her that they think you like them may get the ball rolling.


    Noticed you changed your name, what about Headless Palmer, or Randy Horseman? lol

    He still has a head Leeroy... he just has to sew it back on.
    Headless Man

    I had a tough time choosing between Headless Man and:
    The trouble maker
    Bible thumping fundamentalist
    Scar Body
    The Goof off
    Head in his hand

    Have you seen my free edit page I could make you Bad, Bad Leeroy

    Any experienced dater knows that it's a numbers game, the more people you talk to, the better the odds are you find someone interested in you. It's a little different if you are still in school. I think it's more about rumors and reputations.

    In that case flirt first for a while and see if you get the same response back, if so then ask them if they want to hangout sometime. If they respond in a negative way then instead of loosing face, you can say some other friends will be there... Hope this helps.

    Get over it and move on. The way to look at it is, in by asking you at least afforded yourself the possibility of a positive outcome. By doing nothing, you just assure yourself to have never had that opportunity.


    Doots: 7 brand new ones, 2 from last year, and a couple in storage. The little ones are cute, but as they grow.....not so much. Bad attitudes, too.

    That's an excellent idea! And, since they are full of alcohol, they don't freeze, just get slushy, which makes them easier to catch! Brilliant, Shootah, absolutely brilliant!

    Don't think negative! You say someone doesn't want to go out with you but you haven't asked. Think positive.

    Grin and bear it then move on as quickly as possible why waste your life on a none entity . you need a partner that respects and responds to you .

    If you don't ask, the answer is certainly "No".  If you do ask, you may get a "Yes";  if not, lick your wound, give it a few days to heal, and move on.  The pain won't kill you.  You will recover and risk again.  It's a risk we all take. 

    If your a guy try this. Put your arm around her waist, lick the shoulder of her blouse, then look her in the eyes and say " How about stopping over my place so you can get out of those wet clothes". What's too loose?


    ....and this has worked for you???? :D
    ed shank

    No wet blouses hanging here. Hmmm, no, forget it.

    There are so many people that would love to go out with so many different people.  if the person you are going out with does not appreciate you.  somebody will love the lines you walk.  will love the air you breath, will love how you look at the moon, will love how you throw a rock.   I been through that.  get somebody who appreciates you. that's what i did.   if this one does not change his/her point of view.  maybe he needs a monkey. maybe he needs a donkey. maybe he needs a squirrel or raccoon.  whatever his/her problem is, don't let it be put on you.  love and respect yourself and the significant other will follow!  if they don't, let them go . . . so they can get the monkey or the donkey.  everybody deserves happiness.

    If you want to ask them out go for it the worst they can do is say no and if they do you move on.

    Say yes but if you think that person is ugly then make a fake phone call then take off

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