    Would you like to hear beautiful lies or unpalatable truth?

    +7  Views: 807 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    The unpalatable truth... it actually is much easier to deal with in the long run.


    Painful,....but yes it is!!!

    i'll take the truth any day, lies will come back and haunt you, the truth speaks for it self..

    The truth for sure. However an occasional lie isn't that bad either, "Gee, honey you should shave more often, your so handsome".

    Absolutely the unpalatable truth, it may piss you of at the time but you always see it right,unless you,re seriously delusional.


    or seriously denial

    This must sound like a broken record, but I'll take that unpalatable truth as well.  It won't be easy to hear, but much better than BS.

    Absoultely the truth, nothing but the truth; however, it hurts to hear

    Let's have the truth.

    Beating around the bush will only come back and bite us.

    The truth is the best.

    Truth, only when solicited.  Don't give me any unsolicited advice, truthful or otherwise.

    With the truth, you at least know where you stand. Lies, regardless of their good intent or not, do nothing more than decieve and mislead.

    Absolutely the truth!!!  I lived in a marriage where my spouse told lies upon lies...and then lied again when I caught on.

    It depends, if the question starts with..Is my bum big? then I probably don't mind an insincere compliment, but if it's anything serious the only way to deal with anything is knowing the truth

    Truth. always. You can take the truth and figure out how to live with it but lies hold you back and you never know how to feel about the one telling them.

    Even if its awful,just give me the truth.I detest lies and liars

    It's funny if you can see the words regarding a mother's explanation about "truth!"



    ?? more to add?? nothing is there Chi

    He could be meditating.

    maybe we"ve actually made him speechless

    Both.. I enjoy my blissfull oblivian.. when it comes to things that really dont affect me... But if it will I would like to know about it before it does.

    I will take the truth any day.  I do not like lies nor people that just say what they think one wants to hear and their word is no good.  I may not have much in life, but my word is good.  I make no promises that I cannot keep and if as sometimes things do happen I will let whomever know what is going on (and it has to be really something going on) that I cannot keep that promise at that moment but I will see what I can do about it again.  I have always been of the opinion that a person is really only as good as their word, if their word is no good then not much substance to that person.  There is a lot in my eyes and heart to the old saying that actions speak thousands times louder than words ever could.

    Truthfully, a..... beautiful combination of  both........

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