
    For example:  I can recite the alphabet backwards in 5.5 seconds, write upside down and backwards, and name the 50 states of the US in alphabetical order.  Yes, I DO have a lot of time on my hands.  :D   
    What equally useless talent or ability to YOU possess? 

    +8  Views: 1299 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    I can wiggle my ears.


    Excellent! That is a unique gift! I'll bet your little boy laughs when you do that. :D

    I laugh when I do this... I really have to concentrate.

    How did you discover you could do that?

    My Uncle David taught my Sister and I how to do this one Christmas afternoon. I am still laughing. That was a great day.

    Wonderful uncle!!!

    He's cool. He invented Goth way way way before it's time.

    Uncle David sounds pretty amazing. How on earth do you TEACH someone how to WIGGLE her ears!!

    It's pretty funny... and I would have to be in your company to teach you. It is very hard to explain. It definitely is visual!

    I can stick out my tung and touch my arse..


    But not WITH your tongue, right?

    no, if i could i 'd be in the circus..

    Gene Simmons has nothing on you.

    Don't even want to imagine that.

    Me neither..ohohoh

    Unfortunately the image has got stuck.

    I could at one time remember up to 51 random numbers after looking at them for 10 seconds. I remember every phone number we ever had. Something about numbers. I have a lousy memory when it comes to anything else though.


    That is absolutely incredible! You never forget a birthday or anniversary, do you. WOW. I a blown away by that. Did you ever use that talent to your financial advantage?
    ed shank

    Yes. I was a bond broker for seven years and this memorization of numbers did come in handy.

    Why did you have that gift? Why oh why? That’s amazing.
    ed shank

    It does me no good today. We all have a nutty thing were noted for. I wish I could remember how to cook, now that would have been a real help.

    "Oh washing dishes ironing making beds (dont do bed pans) cleaning carpets changing the battery s on the TV remote for the wife as she lies on the sofa .Feel sorry for her she looks so tired lying there


    I don't want to say that being a thoughtful and helpful husband is an unusual talent........:D

    You are amazing... when you are done there can you come over here?... I have a few window panes at a two year old's level that need attention. :)

    Love to .But must decline bad back ,as the wife would put it "pane"(as in windows) in the backside

    Why I can wiggle my nose, write with my toes, & to the animals!


    ....It's Doctor Doolittle....

    And make everybody smile! You are the DOO!

    It’s Doctor Dooalot!

    By the way, doo. Did I ever tell you that my old physician’s name was Doolittle. I picked him from the phone book when we settled in a new town -- it was his name.

    Doo thanks you for the comments and itsmee I hope you Dr. Doolittle was a great doc with a good sense of humor...and if mumbled to himself and you didn't understand he was probably mumbling in "dog"

    I can cure hiccups.  OH YES, I CAN!  I have witnesses because I cured a patient when I worked in the doctor’s office ... many other people too. 


    That talent should be marketed! Any tips for do-it-yourself? *hic

    Breathe past the part where the hic is.

    (Where the hic is?!) Something is wrong with that sentence.

    itsmee- I understand perfectly. Breath past the hic, not the cups!

    To Dr. Doo A Lot: Thank you for your wise medical advice. I’m sure between the two of us (and the hics and the cups) we’ll help many poor souls suffering from this pesky problem.


    Will try it next time.

    Thanks guys..I just choked myself. cough..cough..cough..araaaagh

    I can pick things up with my toes, saves bending down


    Some things I can do that with, too, and you are right. Kinda makes ME feel like I'm pretty flexible or something. What's the biggest thing you've picked up with your toes??

    I, like Ed Shank, remember numbers, but I don't remember faces. I can know someone fairly well and still not recognize them when they are at a place where I don't expect them. Very embarrassing at times.


    Yep. I hate asking for a name when someone knows mine, but I will. Using "Bob" helps; my real name is difficult to remember and doesn't always transfer through a telephone correctly. How do you handle those brain freezes?

    I don't have trouble with names, just recognizing people. Been that way my entire life. I try to find some outstanding feature of someone I meet but that fails at times also. I try to forewarn people of this to avoid embarrassing situations. I read once that it is a known "problem" with some people. I can even remember very rare occasions when I had to do a "double-take" to recognize my wife.

    I remember faces but not names and I, too, have embarrased myself too. Perhaps we should join forces Flip!

    You have something called face-blindness and it's more common than you'd think.

    bob i don't if it is really a natural talent.  when i was in high school i was not a good reader or writer.  i went to junior college and took writing classes.  my teacher thought i was a great writer.  i am a good persausive writer. one book that motivated me was called "the retoric of no".  I have read so many books on so many topics its not funny.  I love biographies, self help, psychology, child care, hand writing analysis, astrology, religious books, history, health care, you name it.    i worked with a man named bill when i was 22.  he was about 34 and would take about 20 books a week out of the library. i said, i wish i could read that many books.  what i discovered was that i could read very rapidly when i was standing up reading a book or magazine in a store,  i started studyiing why that was and how could i develop that skill of rapid reading.  through personal study. i got to the point where i was a speed reader.  i may go into barnes and nobles and pick out 6 books and read them all within about 3  hours.  its the brain and how you train it.  one problem is its insasible with me.  i can never read enough.  when i was in college i got bored because things moved too slow.  i dropped out of graduate school and went directly the school bookstore and bought 10 books to read at my own pace and not have to take test on what i learned.  when i gradutated from college i took a psychology exam for the county in san mateo, ca.  I was one of the top 10 people to get a job as a counselor for the county.  Psychology is easy for me and i love it.  (what makes people tick)  that test was so easy for me.  i tell kids that have a hard time learning how to read.  Read what interest you and you will become a good reader.  that's one of the things i did.   i love to read!!! but i think what really motivates me is that i love people and love knowing what make us all tick.



    I love what you have written. Perseverance and that desire to know about so much just got you going. It would be wonderful if today's young could be so motivated to read and learn. I hope you are still counseling, tabber, because you obviously have made a big difference in many lives!

    i can read a book in an hour.


    Did you take a class to learn how to read so fast? What are some of the books you have read so quickly? That is a real talent.

    I can recite: I'M A SHEET SLITTER, I SLIT SHEETS, I'M THE BEST SHEET SLITTER THAT EVER SLIT A SHEET  drunk or sober.  I've had 52 years if practice......


    You are trusted, jhharlan. Just the fact that you typed it out says a lot about your talents!


    bob, that incredible!!!!!


    ........way too much time on my hands, tabber.

    thanks bob. i am still counseling.  i have always read with and tutored kids. i even worked at a group home with gang boys.  we read in circles during the evening.  our bible at that particular home was a book called, how to be a gentleman.  i encouraged all the kids to help each other when they did not know a word.  we read out loud. it was fabulous.  all my 6 boys in this house learned and took pride in looking and acting like gentlemen, at home and in public.  well except for if two got into a fight.  another counselor once commented to me, 'something is different about your boys they seem so polite. the atmosphere of your house seems so different."  they were great. but bob you should take your talent on tv. maybe get an agent. to be able to write upside and backwards and repeat the alphabet backwards is absolutely GENIUS.  People would  be facinating by such feats. Truly amazing!


    You are sweet, tabber. Perhaps someone will offer a big cash prize for one of our unique skills! I was dealing 21 at a party last month and the DJ actually asked for someone who could say the alphabet backwards....sigh. I just kept shuffling and dealing. Not a guest, so ...

    I wonder if that book How To Be A Gentleman is still in print. Getting gang boys to read that is an amazing skill.

    Im pretty much useless but can touch my nose with the tip of my tongue if its relevant..


    Oh, heavens yes, that counts BIG time.

    Saves on kleenex.

    LOL Ducka.

    leosmaml all or us are special and useful! i just tried to touch my nose with my tongue. Pretty good for you. i could not do it. see there, that's fabulous!

    and that upside and backwards writing.  i want to see you do that on tv.  maybe post it onto u-tube.  i think you could get famous with such an unusual skill.  maybe contact simon of x-factor. get on j leno.  people would be amazed to see you do these things.  oprah had a show once with people that had unusual talents.  a pretty lady like you was on and she could talk like animals.  a millionaire saw her and married her.  oprah showed her wedding on her show.  see there.  some beautiful man may love your skills.  then you kill 'two birds with one stone'. mucho luck to you bob! & even tho you 'kept shuffling',  it did show that people want to see people do magical things like that.


    You are funny. It's not a really big deal. I just got bored in some of my classes and started fooling around. I'd have to have something extra for Jay or Oprah! Just writing won't be that exciting. I'll have to learn to tell fortunes or guess people's weights accurately! :D

    One more , I can tell what just about anything is by smell ; somethings on fire- I know whats burning, cooking something- I know whats in it, spill or over flowed on the ground- I can tell you if it from your radiator or engine, cars emitting something -burning oil , blown head gasket kind of stuff. nose is too sensitive,Bad  smells incompasitate me.

    But the one gift I DONT have is the gift of spelling!


    Well, don't worry about THAT, desert_prence. The nose knows and the mind doesn't need to know.

    OK kind of morbid but I didnt pick them. I know before someone dies,and I either know the day before we have an earthquake or I wake up about 1 minute before it happens knowing .



    That is a pretty strong connection! Do you think you could give people a head regarding imminent death. Must be more than a little nervewracking!

    I worked in a nursing home where old rich people went to die . 10,000.00 a month in Rancho Mirage. I was 17 and worked with my mom who was in charge of housekeeping,Limousine services, maintenance etc. doing a little bit of everything. There was three incidents that I told her to call the family and tell them. The first time it happened I had told her before we left she wasnt gonna make it. She died early eaarly the next morning before we came to work. Coroner was just taking her away as we walked in.

    Every time since I've made sure the family knew but I dont say anything to the person,cercumstances have allways prevented me from doing it so I guess thats how its suppose to work.

    Dunno really never asked to know . Dont like knowing.

    Now earthquakes I say something, Ask my Aunt lol funny story behind that . She WONT come to California anymore .

    desert_prence that's great. maybe you should consider contacting the geological association. (not sure of name). i just saw tv show last week. they have spent millions and are still not that close to any reliable prediction of earthquakes.  you may be aware if something and/or tuned into something that could aid them in their search.  never know.


    No matter how I phrase this (below)it sounds rude to me so I have to say its not meent to be at all I just dont know your sense of humor and mine is kind of twisted and sarcastic.(most is not ) , so Im going with ...
    I am ssuming you're being seriouse ( If you werent then haha thats funny)-No thanks I'm cool just doing what I do (and thats not being a sonar for earthquakes or death) besides I only know when its around me . so dont think it'd be much help.

    desert_prencess thanks. i was being serious.  But, as M.C. Hammer once said, "It's all good!"  that's why the world is the world.  we can all pretty much be who we are, do what we like, say what we feel, have what ever kind of sense of humor we have.  beautiful.


    The way it should be!

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