    At what age are women the most beautiful & sexy?

    +15  Views: 1362 Answers: 27 Posted: 12 years ago
    ed shank

    Excellent question.

    itsmee- great photo!

    : ) Dr. doo

    27 Answers

    55 ... (Hope my wife reads this). :o)


    Put your computer on her pillow, Flip. I love it!

    From childhood through to late 90's.....

    That all depends on ones taste in women.

    It is all about the state of mind.  Think and you will be.

    True beauty and sex appeal can be found at any age, it don't matter how old, look at the soul not the flesh...

    I think women of all ages can be beautiful and sexy.  But it does depend on the beholder!


    ...Come to think about it ~ That’s a GOOD answer...a soothing answer.
    I am canceling my order for a barrel of Vaseline.

    I think it;s the age when they have enough confidence not to feel the need to follow others, that is when they are comfortable being themselves and have a style of their own making.


    There are some excellent answers. This is one, for sure.

    I leave that up to the men to decide.

    When she will die Sophia Loren will still be beautiful and sexy.

    Mature women who know how to eat with a knife and fork, and not spit on the ground. Your all beautiful in my eyes.


    : ) !



    what is your A?

    18-80 is my A, valR. Definitely in range. :)

    I think a lot depends on the woman as an individual, in that everyone differs in life in regards to when and what they project in the eyes of others. Speaking as an older man, I find an atraction in women 40's to 50's, although there are both younger and older women that are both beautiful and attractive in many ways. A lot depends on the woman herself, and how she has evolved through her life.



    There is very few women which are undesireable  the older you get the more the range expands as to what is desireable.


    Great answer. Is a truly wise and experienced answer that most younger men can't get yet.

    Exactly, clu.  If someone has a strong preference as to what a woman looks like the're going to be missing a LOT !   I've know beautiful women of ALL ages who were not attractive just beautiful.    Don't wait til it closing time and get whats left.

    I think the sexiest age for women is 36.  However,  young women are sexy because, youth has sex appeal.  Youth has freedom from baggage.  Youth is seeking to learn.  Youth is excited about everything.  However,  I have seen women that are sexy at every age.  I think it depends on the person.  Very often people are not aware what makes them sexy.  A lady wrote a book and said one's sex appeal is very often the odd thing about them that they do not like.  My chiropractor said if a woman takes care of herself she can be sexy and have sex till 98 or more if she's that lucky.


    sexy till 98?.... I don't think so. She'd have to spend her life in a vat of Vaseline.

    I like to think that a woman is beautiful and sexy whenever she wants to be. But just in case I'm overnighting a 55 gallon drum of vaseline.

    We don’t need it. That Vaseline comment was a typo.

    Over 45...

    I belive every women is beautfull in their owe right!! I don't think it matters how old she is.It really helps to have a good personality.


    Ohhhhh P-UH-LLLL-EEEAAA-SE ! Yeah, ALL women are ravishing beauties and EVERY man is an Adonis.
    Ever visited a WalMart or McDonald's ? Oye !

    digger ~ I don't have any problem with fat adults but it is strange that almost EVERYBODY in WalMart is fat. Oye! McDonalds isn't much better.

    I think all ages

    Beautiful is an inner quality that is the inherent expression of the love of God in you, in your Creation as a child in eternity and of infinity. You are ageless beauty as God remembers you. 

    I was going to type ’36’ and be on my way but after reading the comments, I have decided against typing that.


    go for it your as young as you feel..



    What a limited thinker! LOL

    Science is very specific.

    THE COMEDY TEAM OF: Digger & Ducka :D :D

    Not limited Ducka, just very precise!!

    Thank-you Lambshank and itsmee.

    At any age that is if they choose to be.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.BTW."Itsmee I think your sexy lady according to your picture.


    I attempted the two thumbs up trick.

    Dont think they ever  stop being beautiful and sexy!!!!! And itsmee,going by your photo youre both

    THE sexiness of a woman i think is ageless -- Age is in the eye of the beholder.

    itsmee i know a lady who is 86. her sister just died last year at 99.  they have remarkable longivity.  She has a constant young male companion that is 47.  i don't know if they have sex.  but she is a beautiful and classic dressed woman.  that wears high heels and dresses to the nines at all times.  i love this woman.  i believe she inspires many.  she looks like she is no more than 64.  i asked her how does she do it.  she said, 'it's the lord honey."


    I think it might be "the money, honey" However, she is doing great. I'm not sure I would want a 47 year old bf when I reached 86 but to each his own choice. Yes!

    itsmee i think a 46 year old companion is great.  two 86 year olds might get dangerous.  One might fall over the other and no body to pick em up.


    Could happen. Yes indeed.

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