    If all three sons are gay is it likely that their father is also?

    +5  Views: 1164 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    Anything is possible but I doubt it. Interesting that 3 are gay. I come from a family of 8 and I'm the only one. 


    Everybody is extremely bright - not average at all.

    Col, maybe your great or great- great grandmother was gay.They got married back then. They didn't talk about it. Elenor Roosavelt was gay or bi. She had a female lover while he was in the White House. I saw that once in her bio on PBS

    You missed the point MCM.

    the point being that maybe it runs in some families, but it is not absolute that it is inherited.

    mcm, it's sort of a weak point since everyone comes from a family. Everything runs in families. You would need to be more specific for your thought to work. How about what type of family? Do you have a type of family in mind? That's the only way "it runs in families" can work.

    I have no idea but more important, did you see the cabbage recipe I posted?


    jh, I looked for it! I didn't find it. I go to your name and then to page 4?

    : ) Sometimes I look back at these things ... and ... and crave cabbage.

    I know a family where it seems to run through it.


    I’ll see if I can find something to read on the subject.

    No to the answer.......

    I sure it's possible , but aparently  he had a thing  for women at one time to produce three sons..


    I used to listen to a woman who had three young children and her husband was definitely gay. Her heart was broken. He left and went off with a new partner and she finally got over it. She got married and moved to Hawaii and had another baby. He got locally famous as a pianist.
    He told her he had known the truth about himself since he was 12, but society didn’t approve.
    It’s good that times are a changin’ and people are more accepting.

    maybe he was bi

    It's the father who is responsible for the sex of his offspring, not the mother

    The father is responsible for the sex of the offspring but I did read a few years ago that if the environment of the vagina is alkaline during intercourse the baby will more often be female and conversely, if it is more acid, the baby will be male. I have four sons and my oldest is gay but I don't think it's something you "inherit" from a parent.

    I don't see why one would presume the father would be gay. However, three gay children is odd.


    I agree. Make me wonder if they are really gay or if something from their past isn't causing them to act gay. I would not question the father's straightness but maybe something else...
    ed shank

    Maybe the old man is a homophobe, and dirtbag, and this is their way of sending a message.

    ed what about the idea of a very dominating mom and an absent and/or very weak dad, for these 3 boys.

    That could be too Tabber...I was thinking maybe pedophile.

    I thought that the idea of the dominating mother/absentee father from the 60's or 70's, was long gone and according to current psychiatry, was ridiculous?

    Ducka: I thought the same as you. I thought if someone was gay it just was. I didn't know any life event caused it.
    The father could be a homophobe, ed shank. Or he could have spent his life fighting for secrecy.

    I thought so too, Ducka that ---that idea was passe' And now the modern thinking is that it's endocrine abnormalies; which tend to run in families. There was a family of 7 kids here in the town where I live.And 2 of the boys turned out to be gay. They both died of aides :-( REally sweet guys. They had a strong father in the home and a non-domineering mother.They all were good Catholics.

    Those kinds of things, like twins,aphasia, schizophrenia,left-handedness, color-blindness, and homosexuality tend to skip a generation or two and then pop up

    tabber, I think that theory is passe'

    I dont think it is genetic


    Nor do I. 7 siblings and I'm the only one. There are no others in my family that any of us know of that are homosexual. No uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, none. If there were/are, they've not or never admitted it. None that any of my family can think of that might have been hiding it. I still say it's God's design. He gives the gift to whom he chooses.

    Im not quite sure, it's not hereditary, nor does it appear in most cases to be nurture, therefore I would assume it's nature-genetic

    Speaking of odds, no , he just spreads the material that creates the condition. the condition does not always express itself when it presents itself. I would almost bet everything i own he is not. Really doesnt matter. It maybe that all humans carry the potential of homosexuality and under certain circumstances it presents itself. These days taking part in  homosexual acts doesnt mean they are homosexual.


    That's interesting, zorro. I wonder what material is spread. Maybe Colleen had the answer. Maybe ed shank knew. Who knows. I do think like you do that all humans carry the potential of homosexuality and sometimes the conditions are right and the person becomes gay for the night or possibly for a life time.
    The school kids in CA are going to study the history of homosexuality. (Whatever that means) Maybe they'll come up with innovative ideas on the subject. : )

    A person does not become gay for a night. You are either straight, homosexual or bi-sexual. One does nor flip flip between heterosexual or homosexual.Heterosexuals can have homosexual sex but that does not make them homosexual. It makes them sexually exploratory.

    Not enough information...

    Were all three sons from the same partner?

    Who were the actors in "My Three Sons"?

    What nationality were the parents of the three sons?

    Which hemospere were the three sons born?


    OMG, Fish Fry: You are just like me. I always want to know more more more. It drives my dear daughter mad. : )

    Stan Livingston, Don Grady, Michael Constatine? Not sure about Michael. Then there was Barry Livingston, who joined the show midway through its run.

    Bob: I thought I could duck outta that question. I don't think I've ever seen it and I don't know who any of the actors are. TY.

    Here's the rest of mine FF: All sons were from the same partner, and they were all born in the U.S. from Americans.

    Then no. It would have been no anyway.

    young chip of MY THREE SONS starred in the porno Deep Throat, he was an adult of course and had a large qualification.

    Bulletman ... now there is some information!

    I dont believe theire father is gay. Beeing gay is not hereditary. I read somewhere that many people were born gay during world war II and somehow they thought it was stress related. Maybe something to do with hormones. Its the same question as why are there so many autistic children. No one seems to know the answer to that either.


    I was going to type down my ideas but thought better of it. "It's better to keep your mouth shut and keep folks wondering than to open it and remove all doubts." Thanks, Ann.

    I dont think it can be genetic!


    Blue eyes are. Why not?

    It's mee ... My Father has green eyes and black hair. My Mother, brown hair and brown eyes ... I have blue eyes and blonde hair ... Go figure.

    I say, "Three Strikes, You're Out".  I don't know if he is gay, but he is doing something out of the ordinary.


    Gays are not strikes. I say your level of thinking is a strike. How many strikes should the world give you for being so shallow?

    Could it be the Mother thet is gay, could be the grandparent(s) or the Father is in fact gay.  Could be bottled up genetics.  Maybe Neither parent is gay. Could even from both sides of the family.  Could have skipped one or two generations and then bam bam bam...Every family has homosexuals.  Some are hidden, some are out.   In any case it is not a choice which I am sure a person who has three gay children should know.  If the person that is asking this quesiton is married to the man, Have a real honest and real conversation.  Find solutions that will work.  Don't hate him.  He could be bi-sexual.  It may be a good idea to get a marriage counselor or other profesional involved to maintiain an order and keep things ciivilized and under control.  To ask directily can be considred confrentational and a huge mess is all that would bring.  It is a sensitive and dilicate matter.  If you are the person married, How would you feel about them being either gay or bi-sexual?  They very well could deny if not asked in the right manner.  The husband may in fact be bi and has made a concentrated effort to maintain only sex with their partner and fantasize about men..spend time with themselves and their minds and take care of the need that way. 


    I'm not thinking my husband is secretly gay.

    Why is only the father at question here?


    b/c gay young men tend to have a family member that's a gay male.....but not always

    does it really matter who`s straight/gay/bisexual/undecided!,,,YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE A FAMILY...JUST LOVE ONE AND OTHER!!!!:-))

    Gotcha, a friend or relative and your providing sound advice.  It is good to have friends that want to help.  Always good to have someone to trust and that you can talk to.

    I retract my previous comment, I have just remembered a friend with 3 children, 1 girl and 2 boy's, definateley nothing "gay" about the dad, but the mum was extremely protective, would actively discourage all sport,(in case they got hurt) the 2 boy's are both gay, and happily so, but have followed in the mums footsteps and pursue  all things of a feminine nature, one makes the best orange and almond cake I've ever eaten! it does however make me wonder if her overly protective attitude and active encouragement into the more gentle side of life may have had some influence

    no, because it is  what the boys feels and not the father

    because the father haves 3 children whit a woman or a man but when it is with a man  than its a apdotion because a man can't have a baby

    and than the kids are not the real  children and than the father is not gay so

    I think it is how the children feels maybe won is gay and than the other copy hem or somthing like that but i don't think that the father is gay

    There was a family here in my home town that had like 10 kids, and at least 2 of the boys were gay. Sadly, they both died of aids.  Sometimes if a boy turns out gay, it'll come to light that he has a gay uncle. I know famiies like that.

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