    Why does anyone buy German this race was Evil personified never mind good engineering they were the Scum of the Earth and Fathers and Mothers pass their views to their offspring so there still must be a lot of New Nazi's out there

    +1  Views: 603 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    come on look at the japeneese they were our enemy as well during ww2, now their a great ally as well as one of the worlds greatest economies as well as manufactures of teckknowlegy  , What happened over 60 years ago by a few rouge leaders should by no means be a reflection of the people today of these now great nations.

    Don't hold back, tell it like you see it. Ever see a successful Jew in anything other then a German car? I haven't. Your rant is the same garbage every white man has had to endure about slavery One hundred and fifty years ago. Time to get over it. The Germans in general feel a sense of shame. They pay reparation to Holocaust survivors even today. 

    Since you've got your hate face on, take a look at the middle east. A fine group of people there, they butcher their own woman and children.


    Thanks for the thumbs up Ed. I am a somewhat "succesful Jew". To dispel any popular beliefs, I don't own a "Hollywood Studio", nor am I amongst those Jews who "control the media" (lol)! I retired after a distinguished law enforcement career after having put my life on the line for my country.I happened to make a lot of money in the stock market,a great part due to luck. By the way, I don't drive a German car; I drive a Hyudnai. Great car! If I wasn't going through a divorce, I'd buy a BMW. I am crying poverty to the judge, so imagine my wife telling him I just bought a Beemer (lol)!
    ed shank

    Smart thinking about the car thing. Sorry about the divorce. Thank you for your service to this country. My hat's off to you.

    That is a terribly racist statement.... PPL are PPL you cant judge a whole country on the past, the few or even the majority. I am not sure where you get that Germans are scum... But I do think you should take some time to study thier history and present day contributions.


    I answered his question, the rest is, as you rightly point out, a statement and a very inflammatory one.

    I don't take umbridge to your question Dunc,although some might.My Grandmother was German,although I was raised here in Australia.I am certainly not a neo nazi & I am just as horrified by the accounts of their brutality as you are.

    They do make great cars tho,Don't they?LOL


    Yes they do make great cars but I feel that the Americans have a hand in their businesses and the English in their design and I don't know why they choose to invest in Germany rather than their own countries

    I take offense with your statement. We were deported from Bohemia to Germany and everthing was in ruins and I have never heard anyone praising Hitler and his destruction and inhumanity. The people that are living there now dont teach theire children to become New Nazis.Nazis are hated in Germany. Where do you get your information from.? We were victims of world war II, like everyone else.Ordinary people had no control what Hitler did. The reason why Germany became prosperous  after the war was because of a great statesman, Konrad Adenauer, who led Germany out of the ruins of world war II. They do make quality cars and goods and are not made in China.


    thank you Ann glad your came more across than mine thank you xoxox

    Mel, it was not directed to your country but you did say it as you know it and I appriciate your statement very much. I happen to live in Bohemia until I was 6 yrs. old and lived through the war. I will never understand why Hitler became such a madman and especially what he did to the jewish people.I was upset with duncs remarks about New Nazis in Germany. That was totally uncalled for, for they dont exist.

    Dunk i can see where you coming from both my parents were serving in the war and my granddad and my great dad I dont think many are like the neo nazies you are talking about and I feel they are ashamed in what happened and it wasnt there fault they were under a mad man who wanted to rule the world and if you know the history,,, most of the Royal family were connected in one way or other... I do think there engineering is second to none I feel they take pride in there work its a pity we havent taken some of that where work is concerned the cars are seconed to none the only thing I can note is that they do think they are superior race but does it bother me I certainly dont loose sleep over it and they have no sence of humor heeee Good question though!  


    our ndustry inventiveness and cars /trucks were 2nd to none Leyland motors was an empire in it's own right and it's been sold down the river along with everything else in this country we are up the creek without a paddle even the army buys German there is definately somthing wrong with our country

    thanks dunk oxoxo

    Why does anyone buy German?

     >>>Quality & Reliability <<<


    They are not as good as the Japanease , Oh why is it the two countries which caused the most mayhem in twentieth century now dominate the twenty 1st leaving their victors by the way side

    They do make some good stuff.

    The US has the capability to compete with Japan and Germany, but not when they prefer to have everything made in China. Its our leaders fault to let that happen.

    I'm Jewish and had lots of relatives in Nazi-occupied Europe who most likely were killed during the Holocaust , since they were never heard from after, so I have no love for the perpetrators of these atrocities either. We are now 2 generations later and the greater part of the German people is ashamed of their past from what I infer. You, yourself state that they WERE the scum of the earth, and I agree with you 100%, however, the key word here is "WERE". We cannot view the current population with such animus unless they embrace the Nazi culture and all it stood for. As a white American, I, and millions of others cannot be held accountable because whites were slave owners "back in the day." For these reasons, I have no problems buying German goods or for that matter, Japanese, even though they attacked "Pearl". Lastly, "German" is not a race, even though they considered themselves to be the "master race", and there is enough hatred in this world already. We don't need anymore.

    ed shank

    I was born in Germany. I now live in a private community where the majority of the residents here are Jewish. We get along great, and yes they know I am of German descent.

    What would be the condition of the world if all those bad things  never happened? If every one who died in that war had lived how would our world have changed ?Better or not so much ? Do you think we would enjoy that path ? I am against the globalisation of our world and all that it brings .

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