    I am getting sick of your questions that make no sense

    shopping with you is frustrating and annoying.You keep asking the same information over & over again.

    +1  Views: 629 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Our customer service department is lacking.  The store manager just got fired.  Lou, our security guard was thrown in jail for theft and drunken disorderly.  Mimi on cash lost her marbles a week ago and hasn't been on the cash counter since (the line up is out of this world).  We have problems in receiving... everyone phoned in late 3 months ago (they are soooooo late now.  You just don't know.).  ... So, you can just imagine how difficult it is to train Pippy the Rooster our new order desk employee... a bit slow on the uptake is Pippy.  Give it a few more months and we will be back in the swing of things.

    Thank you for shopping at Micah's Dollar-Rama.  Have a wonderful day.  Merry Christmas.


    ***Vintage fish !

    Very clever...

    I love it LOL

    brilliant fishy!!!!How do i apply for a job there?Sounds like my kind of place!!!!

    So clever as always. You are a jewel!

    Love to shop in your "Store helpful staff! my kind of people

    Thanks everyone... you are all hired!

    How do you think we feel here on akaQA............?

    You have the wrong site. This is akaQA, we are not a store. 

    ""Sorry, my memory is failing...

    You do know that there is a $500 charge for whining???

    Whoops wrong site

    sher ali,

    How do you like our answers so far?

    Hmmmm think I would charge more than that perhaps $2000 no saturday night special bring out the big guns ......

    Well, if you would answer the questions politely and correctly the first time, and speak loudly enough for me to HEAR you, I wouldn't have to keep asking.  You may think my questions are stupid, but I'm just trying to learn.  I don't mean to be annoying.  Honestly, I'm doing the best I about if I buy lunch????

    I hear that  may I suggest  you call the Pepper Spraying  Cop he'll liven things up a bit

    Are you all having any fun yet?

    I don't think this poor asker saw any of the answers...


    I certainly am!!!!!

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