    Who is your favorite cartoon character?

    I just LOVE Tweetie Pie! 


    +9  Views: 1442 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    I thought this topic would be a great diversion from recent - shall we say - upsets. So happy so many of you jumped in with this!


    Actually, I missed it too - I was off line for about 5 days. Apparently there was arguing going on. Darci13 posted, "Can we all be at least nice and not argue for at least 1 whole week?"


    Wow kc, thanks! Boy that makes me happy this morning. We are snowed in again!

    23 Answers

    Dangermouse or Penfold . Count Duckular , Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny ,Mr Magoo the list is endless although Penelope Pitstop is definately the sexiest


    You stole my thunder, how very dare you,lol KOTF.

    dunc - I can't believe I did not know Penelope Pitstop! The car-racing fan that I am ... not to mention a former drags-racer myself!! I looked her up. She is adorably sexy!! I had to give you best answer for introducing me to her! (Danika Patrick is driving for Tony Stewart next year ... I can't wait!)


    heavens to mergatroit.


    Aint that the Pink Panther?

    that's right..exit stage left.

    daren1 - I knew you were a man after my own heart. Would you believe my hub and I were personal friends with the creator of PP, Friz Freleng??? True story. Of course he has passed now. But my brother and I published his collection in multi-media format: "Animation: The Art of Friz Freleng" (Donovan Publishing) - we closed our company 15 years ago, but working with Friz was one of the most wonderful highlights of my life. Good choice.

    Your right bad..

    ""Fred Flintstone


    The whole fam-damily is a riot. Barney, Marge, and Betty. Pebbles and Bam Bam, and let's not forget Dino. I can hear the wheels of Fred's go-mobile as I type this. Priceless and funny stuff. Never gets old.

    Freds wife was Wilma,not Marge,you must be thinking of Homer Simpson his wife is Marge.

    Oh yeah! I am SOOOO confused! Thanks.

    I think Homer Simpson is funny, I like Marge, Bart and the girls.


    I'm embarrassed to say I have never watched a single episode! I have a lot of catching up to do!!

    Don`t worry Winfia, I think the Simpsons are a heap of rubbish and I also have never became a fan.
    Watched enough to decide I did not want to watch any more. But to each his/her own, South Park is another no no to me.

    Peoplelover - I hate South Park. It has absolutely no appeal for me.

    Whats up Doc?



    The hi-jinks between him and Elmer Fudd are priceless. I love cartoons that show where Bugs lives. He has the cutest little house!

     Cat Vs Mouse Birdie Tweetie Pie and Tom and Jerry



    Well you KNOW how I feel about Tweetie Pie. Tom and Jerry, too. Don't see much of them anymore ... I love your avatars!!

    winfia thanks I know I do sometimes pt the cartoon channel on and then I go down memory lane and have good giggle oxoxox

    Have always liked "Foghorn Leghorn"

    "I say I say boy"


    Oh yes, how can you NOT love this over-stuffed character!



    Minnie and Winnie!!!





    That was 10 years ago ... but I'm still cute!!!

    winfia yo are buetiful I am sure you havnt changed yo look like you are really enjoying your selve there good on ya oxoxoxo

    Mel, I watched DLand being built it the 50s. My dad took me to the land it sits on and showed it to me when it was only land. Yup, and a chicken was walking around on it. True story, My hub and I are going Jan 2, 2012 - gotta find Minnie and get an updated pic!

    Win - you look great - so cute - I am still cute too would you believe or so they say, if you know what I meanx

    Popeye the sailor man, naturally!   He was my hero.



    I met Tom Hatten (the guy who did the Popeye Shows on TV) when we were both shall we say much older. I watched the show as a teen. He taught kids how to draw cartoons. - dang - I can't find that picture of us. I'll see if my brother has it. I LOVE Popeye. I'm a huge fan!

    Amen. He always fought for his woman. Yep, he's the best because he gives hope to the average guy.

    "Gosh that looks like the "Mother-in-law .In her hay day .She was a boxer.(boxed Eggs in a "Egg factory)

    Your M-in-L must've eaten a LOT of spinach!

    "Tom and "Jerry .


    Oh yeah! Are they still on TV? I have no idea what Saturday morning TV for kids shows in the way of cartoons anymore. Probably something like The Dead Vampire Stinker and Super Puke-Bomber Show. I'm still a fan of the oldies.

    Daria from Daria




    She is a hoot!! Good choice!

    I loved Calvin of "Calvin and Hobbs"............


    Past Tense?? You don't love them anymore??

    The artist stopped drawing them some years ago....

    I remember them in the funny papers. Were they ever animated?

    Not to my knowledge.....Were you only asking about animated cartoon?

    ME TOO. Calvin and Hobbes were quite the duo. I have a couple of collections, as does my son. We still enjoy them quite often.

    jh & MsB ~ No, I was not particularly asking for animated cartoon characters, but most people responded with those. :-)

    I like Miss Piggy and Kermit the frog - dose that count? 


    You betchum cuz we'll MAKE em count!

    miri - check your bday thread - a few more people have added greetings! {{{grin}}

    Thankyou winxx0



    Oh I LOVE Tank Girl ... and of course the PP see my comments to daren). I never followed Wallace and Grommit ... hmm

    Sponge Bob Square Pants of coarse;)


    Oh mom, mom, mom ... what ever are we going to do with you!!! It must be all those adult-humor innuendos!!
    mom's all the facial expressions and the drunken night with Patrick at the ice cream joint. You just gotta laugh at that one:)

    It's true, you do!

    Mitt Romney


    I could not agree with you more!!!

    Karma, that's pretty funny. Even tho i do like brother mitt.

    One of my favorite strips was "For Better or For Worse".  Ellie is every-woman.
    Maggie Simpson is a  sweetheart.
    Linus, from "Peanuts" is probably my very most favorite. 


    Maggie and Linus, absolutely. But I'm not familiar with Ellie ... hmm just checked your birth date ... you would not remember Brenda Starr. She was a red-haired newspaper journalist and I idolized her as a kid in the comic strip: Brenda Star, Reporter!

    Ellie Peterson, Husband John, Son Michael, Daughter Elizabeth, Dog Farley. They came out in the 80's. Ellie is based on the creator's life. She is Canadian. Very true-to-life situations.

    I'll check it out! Thanks!

    I like Pigpen and his little dust cloud!

    Charlie Brown


    Oh yeah ... how lovable is he!

    and so much wiser than me :(

    Rouge and Gambit from X-men cartoons... As far as to watch we love loony toons and tom and jerry.


    Hmm X-Men cartoons. Never saw them and I am a huge fan of the movies. Will have to check with my nephew. He's got the comics!

    That wacky rabbit ""


    weally a waskal if you ask Fudd

    Little Lulu, Blondie, Veronica


    Little LuLu!!! OMGss - I remember her. What a sweetie. And Blondie. Veronica! My brother told me Archie is now married to one of the girls in the current comic books .... which one did he marry, do you know?

    well...let's see... probably Mickey and Minnie Mouse.


    Well, a traditionalist! I grew up in Southern California. Watched Disneyland being built as a teen. One of my fav pix is of me and Minnie on my 60th That's Winnie and Minnie!!

    That's awesome, fish girl. Are you familiar with Friz Freleng? Mostly Warner Bros. I'm a huge fan.

    winfia, that's great!  no i don't know which one got married.  i liked them because they were both beautiful and always talking about boys and dating, which is one of my favorite interest . . . seeing humans match up with each other.  Little Lulu was just a cool girl.  & i liked her theme songs . . . "little lulu, little lulu, with freckles on her face, always in and out of trouble . . . ."


    I looked it up! Archie married Veronica!

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