    Does your dog like TV?

    My little Cocker likes FOX



    +10  Views: 900 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    Your pup looks like changing the channel would be a good idea! How about "Animal Planet"?
    Headless Man

    I do but then she wants to lick the
    Bob/PKB dummy, your girl!
    Headless Man

    She don't kiss O'

    Randy he looks great very handsome doggie

    That is just so cute!

    16 Answers

    David Jean responds to the sounds, like an owl hooting sent him outside barking......

    Headless Man

    I know what you mean......

    My dogs don't get to come inside and watch TV.  My son's dog lies in front of the TV, but shows no interest in it whatsoever.  Possibly if I let him sit on the couch, he would take more interest.

    Headless Man

    MY GS don't pay much attention to it.

     Puppies TV I know that my Cats love to watch Animal Planet!


    <-------- Max pays no attention to tv. All he wants is FOOD and going for a WALK (or ride).

    My little Pico loves to listen to Nine Inch Nails... I am not making this up.


    But Pico is!

    Ha Ha ... She loves Trent!

    Our dog only pays attention if a dog on TV barks. Then he wants to go out to investigate. I once had a cat who laid on top of TV and watched baseball games upside down. If there was a hit he'd try to catch it! Sometimes fell off TV ,too! LOL


    Maybe just "Cat nap-pining fell off!!Lol

    Yes...he thinks it's a fire hydrant:

    If there is dogs on the T.V and my girl catches site of them,her ears prick up and she will sit and watch them.

    Especially football, just haven't figured out, if he likes the football itself or the cheerleaders!


    "hears you shouting at the Cheerleaders ."You can "dance for me any-time "Girls.

    Yes he does but he hates the commercials, he useally goes to the fridge when they come on..

    I think what got her started was, when she was young, I have the TV hooked up to my security camera and she watched the first German Shepherd I had outside.

    when i lived at my old house my border collie used to go barmy barking when a doorbell rang on TV.Couldve understood it if wed actually had one.But we didnt!

    I used to have a dog named Shirra. She looked just like Benji. She sat in front of the TV and watched Animal Planet  every time it was on.

    Actually my guinae pig loved fottball but Nascar was her favorite.  I'd put her on the sofa and turn on Nascar and go about my day and she would sit there and move her head back and forth for hrs.  We watched football together.  The dog and cat would come and go.  My cat was named after Nelson Mandela and he would watch tv whenever Nelson M. was on- weird but true.

    Yep but not my dogs the cats do though sometimes.

    All my dog likes to do is lick his junk, no intrest in anything else He's .lazy sleeps all the time then gets up and eats. Then outside for a quick romp and poop and pee then  back to his bed for more sleep. This guy ain't gonna amount to anything. No ambition whatsoever. What a life.  

    Headless Man

    Is he on ssi...........HO HO HO

    Sounds like a nice life to me. Does he like car rides? I got my dog more active by taking her on numerous adventures- dif. peoples homes, dif. parks etc. She'd get so excited! she loved the car. If I left the door open she'd go outside and nap in the car-lol (safe neighborhood in very tiny village) but her breed wasn't known for exuberance or high activity levels. She was 'developmentally delayed' (pretty silly and kinda dumb) but one of the all time sweetest pups around! She amounted to a great companion and we were together almost all the time i wasn't working or sailing. My friend's called her as my daughter as, she came with me almost everywhere. I loved her dearly!

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