    What or Who will you miss the most...............

    ......this holiday season?  For me, I'll miss (as I have for the past several years) having my children with me.   I'll miss their help decorating the tree and baking some cookies.  I'll miss taking them shopping for gifts for each other, wrapping the gifts, and going to Christmas Eve services as a family.  

    +7  Views: 867 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    My eldest daughter and her family. 


    My mother is always in my thoughts.

    I hope you will be able to talk with them; visit soon? Wouldn't it be nice if everyone just came home! I'm glad you got away from the clay for a while! Thank you for your answer.

    Christmas can be painful and wonderful... Sigh!

    Well, now I'm depressed. My grandfather. He loved Christmas and all the lights I put up for him.  



    I'll tell you. My favorite holiday in New Years. I start all over and plan to make absolutely NO mistakes in the new year. It will be a first for me but I better do it soon.
    My least favorite is Christmas. I like the shopping, the wrapping, the lights, the little visits. I do not like the missing someone.

    I hope you enjoy some happy memories and let the tears flow when you put up lights for him this year. Thank you for your answer.

    His lights are up. His memorial is decorated. I've been maintaining.....until now I guess.

    I am a firm believer in tears...of joy and sadness.

    Whatever works for you. I think tears bring depression. I've resolved not to shed anymore because I miss him. I'd rather not ruin my holiday.

    "" I'll miss my mother...I feel like crying...


    OMG, yes! We have gotten ourself into a situation.

    Your worm is in good taste. Munch.

    I hope you's sometimes as refreshing and cleansing as a spring rain.
    It's not every day that I think about the whos and whats missing in my life, but holidays seem to blow them out of proportion. This year, it's OK for me to be sad about what/who is missing. It's OK to be happy with the what and who that are, too. Thank you for your answer eggplant. You are uniquely unique!

    I'm sorry if my comment offended you.

    My step father, died in June. A really good guy.


    You guys were close, if memory serves me. Be sure to make a toast in his honor and memory!

    My dad's been gone since 2001....he wasn't the most cordial guy, but I still miss him and other family members who are gone. Try to keep good memories; enjoying a laugh from times with them helps keep the tears in check. Thank you for your answer, ed shank.
    ed shank

    We had a lot of history, sometimes not so good, but he was always there for me. Never thought that I would be his favorite. Funny how things work out sometimes. I do smile a lot during the day thinking about his sometimes odd slant on life.

    :) We all have some "odd"

    Snuffle ... Snuffle .... Pass the Kleenex, please. I will miss ... oooph .... I ... I ... can't say. Waaaaaaa!


    (((Bob/PKB) )))) Well, at least you are understood.

    Thank you, itsmee!

    Both my mom and dad, died a year and half apart , both from cancer...


    What a rough time for your family. Cancer has no boundaries; a cure would be a miracle. It is sad to know both your parents suffered from it; my heartfelt sympathy to you and yours (it doesn't matter if it was last week or 20 years ago).

    both were young my mom was just 66 and my dad 71, sometimes life just is not fair..

    Absolutely.....yet, at other times, life seems to give us such a break when we earned so much less. I, for one, will never completely understand....

    My  Father. My Son ,  My Daughter


    I hope they are still alive and well, just not able to be in the same location.

    My Father died sept. 2007 ---- My Son In the US AIRFORCE, HIS CHOICE-----------My Daughter in the US ARMY-----Her choice ....I am proud of my son and daughter---Waiting for the time I can see them more often again. I miss talking to my DAD. (which is what my son and daughter email to me, miss talking to me)

    After reading what you have put Mr Den I should not grieve my heart goes out to you no Children should go before their Parents xxxx

    This will be my first Christmas w/o my mom....  I am missing her more and more everyday..........


    My sympathy, Julie. Of all the times we miss our family members, Christmas may be the hardest. Know that every memory keeps her alive in your heart. As mentioned earlier, toast her warmly at Christmas dinner (or any other time, of course). I dread the day my mom is not around to "drive me crazy".

    I don't really know who I miss the most. My mom and dad are both gone. And I miss my son who may or may not call. Of course I miss them. But at Christmas I love what it is each year. I don't get depressed, unless I am sick. This year it's a small tree with daughter, son in law, and grand dog coming for 3 days. This fills my heart to the brim. The food, the fire, the snow, just everything that surrounds a happy family with love. and the presents - this year we're only giving presents that we have found at Good Will, Salvation Army, or some other thrift shop. We are expecting this to be lots of fun!


    How you have once again shaken the "boo hoo" from me with your optimism and joie de vivre. Your gift-giving guidelines will definitely make the gifts one of a kind and much more carefully selected than dashing into a store. Let us know what you all find! Love you..just absolutely love you.

    Wow! Thank you! It feels really great to be appreciated! My kitchen table is already filled with treasures. Can't wait to wrap them and get them under the tree.

    My husband of 43 years died on December 21 2009. But my children and all my grand children will all be here. So on the actual day there will be much laughter and joy.  Probably a few funny Grandpa stories as well.


    Thank you for your answer, sadiesays. A church friend lost his father on Christmas day two years ago, and has shared his feelings with our congregation; it must be a bittersweet time for you and yours. I am happy that you will be surrounded with family this Christmas, and know that, although he won't be there, your beloved husband will be remembered with joy.

    Trying to give you a thumbs up, but it won't stick. Will keep trying. I love the family stories - especially the grampa and grama ones!

    I wil miss my Dad as I do every year as he died 25 years ago on Cristmas Eve and as For My Mother well we dont know YET wether she will be here or not due to her illness


    I know it's a really hard holiday season for you now, but didn't know you lost your dad on Christmas Eve. Your mom and family continue to be in our prayers.

    Bob/PKB thanks for the preyers I still havnt put any Christmas decorations up just in case I know I am being silly xxx

    You are not being silly Mel. The Christmas after my sister died I didn't put Christmas decorations up until Christmas Eve and took them down a few days later. Christmas was her favorite celebration. She loved giving gifts and would sit in anticipation while you opened her gifts (always more than one). The last Christmas we had together was really something ... and now I think she was saying goodbye.

    fishgirl sorry to hear this on regard of your Sister she sounded like a very special person who would rather give than recieve My Mother is like this rather give than recieve I get great pleasure in wrapping up presents they have to be perfect and get really annoyed when you see the present you have given just thrown under the tree and I look at that bow that took me ages to tie! Im quite sad really!!! thanks fishgirl for your comments xx

    My Mum died on Christmas day .Ten years ago .a man"s best friend is his Mum.Know how you feel MEL.

    dowsa I am so sorry yes yo know and I know how difficlt it is this time of year the worst thing is when my dad died we had a service for him on new years eve and then we had to have him buryed in Scotland as he had a family plot there so it was twice I had have to laugh he hated Christmas my Mother always jokes and says he did this on purpose as he hated Christmas... I can laugh now bt it took me yaers as I was the Daddys girl i still miss him soooo much thanks Dowsa for your comments still lv ya xxxxx

    oh, I'll miss my parents when they go on a trip to Canada.


    You won't be spending holidays with them? What will you be doing?

    I'll be staying home. I wish I could come with them, but I have to stay home and take care of my children

    Nothing.  But Christmas is a Spiritual holiday.  I no longer get hyped up about it.  It was fun with the kids- but they r older now.  I have lost a loved one a few thanksgivings ago and a loved one the day before christmas  and the day after Christmas.  But, as a health care professional, having worked with the dying, this is not unusual.  I remember them fondly say a prayer of great thanks that they were in my life and say a prayer of thanks for those who r in my life today.  Dowsa and everyone who is missing their loved ones God Bless and It is OK to miss them!!!!!!  And you r not alone!  


    Thank you, doolittle. You are certainly right that it is ok to miss those who are not with us anymore. I like that you remember the friends and family you have lost, and are thankful for the family and friends you have.

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