    what is the definition of a redneck ?

    +2  Views: 1341 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Some one who thinks "sherlock Holmes"  is a trailer park...

    An uneducated white farm labourer, specifically from Southern states.

    Headless Man

    No, where all over and taken over the whole

    ROMOS Oh no - not that simple as Randy says - hope you are keeping warm! Cold but I do so love Scotland.

    Not my opinion, my dear dopes, simply a wikipedia Def, and ye I,m keepin as warm as poss,you leave wee messages around the site but most are out of context, hope ye get KOTF.

    No pot stirring intended. The word has a history dating back over 100 years. It's pretty interesting to me. I don't c/p too often, but this was worth it.

    My wife said she had left a wee message for me but when I saw it it was not her handwriting. ???
    Did you know manual labour is a Mexican bandit?
    Cock robin is a dicky bird.
    Cross a rooster and a owl and you get a cock that stays up all night.





    Are you taking the photo?
    Headless Man

    No, But I didn't want to get my head

    Redneck originally referred to the sunburned red necks of farmers from working in the fields. (1893)

    Rednecks was the name given to certain political factions inside the Democratic Party comprised of poor white farmers.  They were also known as "wool hat boys" (poor folks wore
    woolen hats; rich folks had silk hats).  (1900)

    Redneck is an historically derogatory slang term for poor, uneducated white farmers, particularly from the southern United States.  It is similar in meaning to "cracker" (Georgia and Alabama),  "hillbilly"  (Appalachia and Ozarks),  "white trash" (w/o the suggestion of immorality, though).

    In recent times, it has expanded to include bigoted, loutish reactionaries who are opposed to modern ways and has often been used to attack Southern conservatives and racists.  At the same time, some Southern whites (Caucasians) have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.


    Ye I saw all of that on Wiki,didn,t want to stir the pot,I,m only a FleaKing after
    Jack Large

    Did you even notice that when they showed the people in food lines, back during the Depression, that most every one of the men wore, suits and hats and looked lean?

    Today, the folks in lines like that, all seem to look well fed or over weight and dressed like bums.

    Jack Large, that is an astute observation. The poor quality diets of Americans (I know about them because I am in the USA) contributes to even the poverty-level people being obese. The affordable food is NOT the healthy food. This world is so mixed up anymore. :(

    A jerk and idiot mostly and they do not just reside in the south.

    Anyway you look at it, it's an offensive slang. But Jeff Foxworthy and others have made bundles of cash making us laugh at them!  Just sayin'

    "" "I have a's all that sand. Actually, my face is red too."


    If your face is RED and you have a redneck-YOU ARE A REDNECK. A redneck by any other name is a redneck!

    Don't worry, the way the Middle-East is going, I'd hop on a boat to the USA.

    someone who fixes their broken glassea wit gray tape

    Someone they made a hash of it when trying to hang him,

    The ultimate Red Neck joke.

    If your mother your sister and you wife are all the SAME person YOU are indeed a Red Neck




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