    Domestic Violence is a crime. Why ? Because we can see the wounds ? Should cheating be a crime ? Why not because we can not see the wounds ? Should there be punishment for this ? What is the cost to society for those who cheat ? How many are incarcerated because of vengence brought on by cheating ? Your thoughts ? The Bluesman .

    More than 2 million women experience domestic violence every year . 35% of adult women will experience some form of domestic violence in their life times . These are FBI stats ,not a guess from me . At what point does a significant other become so worthless that it becomes okay to cross the line ? A punch in the face causes pain and is a crime . Some people rip another's heart out with betrayal  and causes years of pain ,and is not considered a crime . Is the pain not equal too the punch or perhaps greater ????  Why do we bother ??

    +3  Views: 700 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Both are painful and both come down to a case of disrespect for another person.  Both can cause years of pain.  Physical pain is awful...emotional pain is awful.  Both cause heartache and tears.  Love should not hurt!!!!!!!


    I am in agreement . But way to often it does . Plainly put bringing strange penis and vaginas to the marriage bed puts lives at risk . How many times would you allow attempted murder on your person ? Lets say it was really bad cooking procedures putting lives at risk would that not be a crime ? And yet we excuse sex practices that put lives at risk and call it nothing .I fail to understand that .

    Many people DO NOT excuse that kind of behavior. The problem is that morality cannot be legislated. It just can't.

    In the Middle-East they stone people to death. They bury them up to their necks and then commence stoning them to death. Should we bring that penalty in?


    I don't think so. we don't want to go back to living in the 14th.century,do we? Perhaps if a marriage fails because of infidelity the unfaithful one should be banned from having another relationship for a period of time.It would be a hard thing to police tho.

    I'd say so. I'd hate to see those kinds of laws brought in. There'd be less than half the population left.

    Extreme . Question is does it warrant a punishment ? On another level is it not theft as well ? Starting at the lowest level ,Is it wrong cheating ?

    Extreme . Question is does it warrant a punishment ? On another level is it not theft as well ? Starting at the lowest level ,Is it wrong cheating ?

    Eggplant : So you are saying this behaviour is rampant ? What's wrong with the punishment already on the books for assault ? It is after all a blow ,we just dont see the bruise .Break your word in a contract and there are consequences and penalties . Why is this overlooked as a crime ?

    bluesman - here domestic violence was overlooked for a long time  but is more recognised and punishable now - also if proven as difficult to prove mental abuse which can sometimes be far worse. To punish for infidelity as Tommy says would be difficult to Police, it is so very common even consensual sometimes. There are so very many injustices that get overlooked or mis-handled in court. Such a betrayal as infidelity can be so extremely painful though and although it is said time heals, how much time and how deep are those  painful scars  - I understand.


    Under the law there is a crime when there is a injured party and a injustice . Does this not qualify ? Or is a invisible injury not worthy of recourse ? Personally I am okay with a tattoo on the fore head for both . The injured party takes years to recover and the others just walk away ,hardly seems right fair or just

    A name for this crime would be : DOMESTIC BETRAYAL like bank robbery all participating parties are guilty .

    bluesman - I truly understand but as I have said before infidelity is a personal issue about compatibility, morals and feelings and outside jurisdiction. It has been known to love another too too much to bear and cannot be sustantained. I have experienced this. I have often wondered what Beethoven wrote in his biography called "Beloved Infedel", having not read this and why he called it that who was the infidel - there has been films etc. since with the same title one with Gregory Peck and Deborah Kerr by Scott Fitzgerald. There are also times when people need to part if possible amicably for the sake of the children, as unhappy parents are not good in this situation. I had an enormous betrayal which I could have fought and won but how this would have cost, and my consultant at present understands this and six of her colleagues resigned on bloc due to betrayal. I know this doesn't help you but it did destroy me and my self esteem. Even this betrayal was immoral, this could be challenged with evidence though but I was too hurt and stressed to even meet my lawyer. One looks keeps looking for reasons but it doesn't help the hurt still remains.

    Thank you for your comment to me, dopey. I take seriously to heart your words to give more love. I certainly have been carefully building my wall the past many years. Thank you, too, for your encouragement and kind thoughts. Sincerely, Phyllis

    Phiylis - It is so difficult when you have been so hurt - do not be afraid. Try, love can be created, do not let this hurt kill your feelings, you know this better than me I only need to look at you and I can see this. You are the year of the Dragon and next year from the 23rd January is your year the same as me let us enjoy - it comes but once every twelve years - try your best to remember this and make the most of it. sincerely, miriam.

    My son was hit in the head with a garden hoe....almost tore his ear off.   He retaliated with a punch to the face.   Domestic violence.  Yessir.  Obviously.

    My ex-husband told me he "needed time to find himself and be whole". Sounded to me like he wanted some R&R.  He wanted to be free to pursue another relationship.  It took several months for the piece of this puzzle to come together and the result was devastating to me emotionally.  It was equally destructive to our three sons, who felt their father had abandoned them (which he pretty much did), and their mom was ridiculous for crying all the time.  

    There were no marks on me to indicate that I had been abused, no scars today that you can see with your naked eye.  X-rays will show no broken heart, no shattered spirit, no feeling of being unlovable.  Those scars don't count as abuse,, but  I believe they are every bit as, and sometimes more, abusive than had the man punched me in the face and broken my nose, jaw, and knocked out six teeth, all in front.  

    I don't want a contract for a partner. I want to love and be loved.


    Bob/PKB - read what I have said to Bluesman - I truly understand what you are saying so very sad - you will find love I am sure but difficult to lift all this baggage, but when it comes it will become lighter, this I wish for you. The more love you create the more you will receive.

    Yes I very much understand and wish you luck with that.For me I am too old and broken to be pretending about love . Being honest I want some great sex ,lots of it and no strings ,no expectations ,just great happy sex . Then I wish to finish this life without any more betrayal or heartache . At best I may find a friend ,love is out of the question . Ill settle for friends with benefits .No one is getting any where my heart again . Bill

    In some states there are still laws on the books that prohibit fornication. What the consequences are, I don't know. Homosexuality also still has some insane consequences on the books in several states although not enforced.


    What do you think the damages are on society as a whole by this behaviour. (cheating) How many are incarcerated or dead because of this act. How much money is spent on this and the fall out caused by it ? Is not hurting some one a crime ? Those who are devastated by this ,should we tell them to suck it up and get over it ? I think not ! By definition cheaters are people who are unable to keep their word and are traitors to their relationship . That is clear to me and I see no way to make it all right .Turn a blind eye to this and you condone it People who dont pay their bills are punished for not keeping their word ,how is this different? This is one area where people who dont keep their word seem to get a free ride . If you lie to your romantic partner then you are damn sure going to lie to me and if you cant be trusted then you are no better than crap to me .Simple as that .Like going to war with some who falls asleep on watch ,worthless !!!
    ed shank

    I agree, the consequences have a domino effect on everyone in the family. Today if you cheat your still entitled to half the toys accumulated. Perhaps if we change the rules too, whoever is the cheating party, forfeits any of the property they have accumulated jointly. Should children be involved the cheater would lose custody of the children as they are not of moral character and have set a bad example for them. The ultimate betrayal, hands down.

    Why don't we just hire domestic partners . Sex and companionship as a job . Live in domestics and companions ,for a contracted period of time . Same rules as any employee employer relationship.  Benefits as well ,leave love out of it . One two three what ever you can afford .  American Geshias . I might even consider a job to afford one . Leave love totally out of it and make it a business arrangement  with renewable contracts . Minimum time arrangements  6 months, a year ,mutually agreeable contracts .


    Because we all need love...not contracts!

    Ducka love is a expensive thing . I respect your thinking and wish you well

    blueman - yep - because love is so painful sometimes but it is something we all need. Many partnerships are business arrangements - staying together for monetary arrangements even contracts with infidelity thrown in.It is a sort of free will - like JUNG who lived with two women - also possible to love more than just the one.

    Is love a infatuation ,illusion, or a temporary state of mind ? Why do we work so hard to get it and then throw it away for a nicely filled pair of panties,or boxers ? Once you have crossed the line there is really no way to undo it .You are saying to your partner I have no respect ,feelings, or compassion for you . With this act of infidelity you say :your worth nothing. Your pain is of no consequence to me .I just dont care !! Tell me doesn't that kind of heartless contempt deserve some punishment ?

    bluesman - all that you say is true - I do not have the answer along with many. Happens all the time but your dwelling on this will not bring a solution - the solution is probably there but not visible at present - solution I mean in the form of punishment if it is due. Because one person has done this to you by no means makes you worthless - It unfortunately happens - try not to be mystified by this. You will be saying WHY forever a lot of us do this and may never find the answer. Conserve your energy, don't get lost in all this.Love presents itself differently between two people e.g. some people can feel they are madly in love and are suited to what is called romance but when married their relationship may not be sucessful.

    Dopey ,Thanks for your words .With straight line thinking when one person causes another pain there should be recourse. A contract or agreement between two people has been breached that is grounds for action in courts . This is not currently the case with cheating. It causes immense pain and is punishable by nothing . When you have invested significant time in providing companionship ,comfort ,and many other things to some one . Losing their company causes significant damage . Perhaps the theft of ones companion and alienation of affection should be punishable in some way .When you have been abandoned kicked to the curb without a word after 18 years its clear some one thinks you are worthless .

    Bluesman if anyone is worthless here, it most certainly is not you - she sounds pretty worthless to me if not more and much more to leave without a word - There are many horrible stories of betrayal and not just relationship. Think of all the good you have done - you have nothing to reproach yourself for.You sound pretty great to me and I've been around a while. Celebrate who you are. Look inside yourself and have faith in yourself, you will be surprised people will honour you for it won't be visible but this will enhance your self belief.

    LOL, Bill. I want lots of great sex, too, but I've found that it's better for me if there are mutual feelings for each other before and after. You have been very honest and up front about your feelings about feelings and relationships; you have made a choice you can live with without being hurt any more. I pretty much know I live in a fantasy world; even though my head knows better, my heart still aches... the day I don't care about caring, I'll be dead.

    Bob Pkb I envy your ability to believe . I think I will enjoy many quite moments thinking this day may be the one that you find happiness and love . Just wondering . I will be cheering you on and wishing all the romantic things you imagine are just around the corner. May there be flowers and gifts and days that make you feel like a teenager again. I hope you know the joy of anticipation in a good way very soon . I assure you that day will bring a big smile to my face and lighten my step .All ahead full for you ,keep trying and know Ill be happy when I hear that news. Bill

    Ummm, don't know ya Bill...but i'm thinking women should be able to hire as well...equal opportunity, ya know. :)

    doolittle I am in complete agreement with you . Perhaps there might be some training schools opened up and ladies and gents might be getting some manners and social skills . Nothing like a well trained domestic partner with some geisha skills . Take the emotion out of it and crime goes way down . I believe in equal opportunity for women in this

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